Seeker Character in Northwest Faerûn | World Anvil



Seeker, originally born Lu'uin, was part of a special subrace of elves said to be descended from a High Elf named Fyan'dyr and several unnamed acolytes who spent several centuries on the astral plane. When they returned their bodies had become pale, their eyes shined like liquid gold, and they were able to stretch their minds outward to strike the physical world. In Elvish, they are known as Palladium Astra, or Pale Soul, Elves and a few in a generation will inherit the psionic potential unlocked by their fore bearers. Lu'uin took after his mother and was born with pale skin and golden eyes and spent most of his first century living amongst a happy-yet-small community.   A strange mixture of timeless perspective and whimsical desire, Seeker moved forward with an ever-knowing smile. While his tongue was quite adept at spinning tales when they must be told and his every move calculated Seeker much preferred a blunt approach to situations - the ending of which usually came with the downfall of whatever he had set his sights on as the next hurdle to be overcome.  

Life in the Underdark

In 1108, Lu'uin's home was raided by Drow warriors who easily overtook the small village. Lu'uin's parents were killed in an attempt to protect the young elf from being taken and the others of his village were split up after their descent into the Underdark. Trapped below, Lu'uin was sold off to a wealthy Drow matron, Zura T'sath, who coveted him for his strange appearance even among elves.   For an unknown amount of time, Lu'uin was a slave to House T'sath. He was used for all manner of things in this time, some unspeakable and some merely mundane. The patriarch, Jelil, was cold and cruel, but rarely present. Zura, however, seemed to delight in the mistreatment of her slaves. Her cruelty would ebb and flow, oscillating with her jealousy and disgust of Lu'uin's physical features. Her two daughters, Lledrith and Maya, craved their mother's approval and would taunt and hit Lu'uin in her presence. When Zura was absent, however, Maya would pay him no attention and Lledrith would actually show him kindness no rare occasion.   Late into his forced servitude Lu'uin was comforted by a Drow woman named Lilliana. She would help nurse him back to health whenever he was beaten and sing songs to him about starry skies and the full moon. One night after awaking from a state of unconsciousness after one of her visits Lu'uin would find his cell unlocked and his path to freedom mysteriously empty.   After this strange escape, Lu'uin wandered the Underdark for years simply trying to survive. He learned to use the darkness like a creature born to it. He began to bend small amounts of the strange magic that lingered in the mockery of nature that are the caverns of the Underdark and, combined with his awakened psionic abilities, kept himself alive. He would disguise himself as a Drow in order to go into cities and trade for what he needed so as to not raise suspicions. It was during one of these trips that he was able to find a band of adventurers that, after Lu'uin's disguise had been dropped, took enough pity on the elf that they brought him back to the surface.  

Life on the Surface

Back on the surface, Lu'uin chose to keep the name he had used to hide his identity while in Underdark cities, Seeker, as his adult name due to becoming almost begrudgingly attached to it. Some careful information gathering led him to believe that roughly a century and a half had passed since he had been taken below the surface and in that time the world had changed. In this turbulent landscape Seeker's skill set was useful to many. In particular, the Harpers scouted him out for his silent step and strange powers. Though the elven man would not remain entirely loyal to them given the circumstances they are the group to which he has the most direct tie, having spent around 150 years as one of their agents and gained quite a reputation in that time.   Seeker has also done work for the Lords' Alliance, the cities of Neverwinter, Waterdeep, and Baldur's Gate, and even helped overthrow several trade princes down in the distant land of Chult. His name and visage, sometimes together and sometimes separately, are known in many circles as the man you hire when you need something done right. Currently, he has been hired by a hither-to-unknown party to keep an eye on the party on their way south down the High Road and beyond. He receives a Sending spell every now and again that asks for updates on their progress and has been watching them since they set off from Neverwinter after killing the dragon in Thundertree.   Many scars remain from Seeker's time in the Underdark. Total darkness makes him jumpy, he flinches from physical contact at best (sometimes even reacting with violence), his body from the neck down is noticeably scarred, and he often sees the visage of the same Drow woman who once comforted him in the Drow dungeons at night. He will often carry on conversations with her and is currently unsure if she is a product of his powerful-yet-broken mind connecting with another like him, the goddess Eilistraee trying to set him on a path, or a total figment of his imagination. Seeker will often joke with her that it's some mixture of all three.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

While seeming put together on the surface Seeker was actually a rather fragile individual. He held a deep fear of isolation and being touched. While time had acclimated him somewhat to the former, the latter phobia could cause him to lash out violently if the violation of his space was drastic enough.   Seeker also harbored many regrets when it came to people that he could not save or see again, the chief among them being his parents and a Drow woman he remembered taking care of him during his time in captivity   Subconsciously Seeker deluded himself about the parts of his past related to trauma - this mostly included his time as a Drow slave, his many years wandering the Underdark, and the attack on his home that lead to both of these events. Most memories above-ground after his escape from the Underdark were solid due to having multiple sources to confirm them.
Year of Birth
1023 DR 378 Years old
Aligned Organization
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