Northwest faerûn A Night in Hluthvar

A Night in Hluthvar



The party stops in Hluthvar before heading up the Sunset Mountains to Valamin's monastery.

The party arrives at Hluthvar, a small trading outpost at the base of the Sunset Mountains where Valamin has been many times on supply runs for the monastery. They decide to ask around about the woods to see if anyone has seen anything strange. Seeker visits a skinner who laments about the lack of animals coming back from the trappers and hunters. The town is just starting to notice the lack of animals in the surrounding area. He learns that the monks from the mountains have been visiting less often, but they are very well liked in the outpost.   The rest of the party heads to the guardhouse to speak with the town guard about the issue. They meet the captain of the guard, Diranor. He tells them pretty much the same things that Seeker heard from the skinner. There's been no new sightings or stories, just the same ghost stories people have been telling for years. The party makes camp just outside the outpost and discusses possible causes of the plight in the woods.

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