Northwest faerûn Journey to Hluthvar

Journey to Hluthvar



The party leaves Elturel and heads towards Hluthvar and comes across an odd forest along the way.

The party rendezvouses with Seeker at the gate out of Elturel, and sets off towards the monastery once more. As a result of Valamin's comments in Elturel, Reginald and Marri'Elle have a duel to see who would be most capable of putting Valamin down should the need arise. The duel is fierce and quick, with Reginald just barely edging out a victory at the last moment.   The following day, Reginaldduels Valamin to prove his ability, and it goes much smoother than his fight with Marri'Elle. Valamin's emotional state leaves him lacking in combat and he is easily defeated by Reginald. Two long days of recovery and travel follows.   The party enters the Reaching Woods following a small path. Halfway through the day, Seeker notices a wolf stalking them. As the day progresses, the wolf gets closer and closer, and Seeker notices it looks very emaciated and hungry. As the party sets up camp for the night, Seeker casts Speak with Animals and speaks with the wolf. He finds out that the wolf is starving and hoping they would drop some food. The wolf says that all the food has gone from the woods and his pack has starved to death. He is the last one alive. At this point, Seeker notices they have not seen any animals except birds all day, despite the forest looking seemingly healthy. There's no sign of magic affecting the forest or the wolf, and the party becomes wary and confused.

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