Maerghoun's Inn
Located on the west side of the Street of Whispers, just north of Diamond Street, this old, opulent inn of scented purple hangings, flickering lamps, and dark wood paneling is much favored by young couples and by Water- deep's paid escorts. No food or drink is available, but you are free to bring it in or have it delivered. Utmost discretion is observed. Each room has inner curtains, so that staff can bring things or do things in one part of a room without seeing or being seen by the guests in another part of the same room.
Maerghoun's is notable for its large round beds, complimentary purple silken house robes, and soundproofing. Extreme privacy is the watch word. The inn is used by many to conduct sensi¬tive business deals.
Proprietor: Yuth Sammardoun, the proprietor, is a cynical, crafty man with white hair but dark eyebrows who's seen it all-and lived because he said little about it and continues to do so.
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