Pilgrims' Rest
Located in the triangular north-western angle of the intersection of Diamond Street and Satchel Alley, this is the humblest of Sea Ward's inns and the cheapest. It's usually crammed with faithful worshippers who have come to the city to visit one of the temples (hence its name). There's actually nothing special about this place— which means that it would be a first-class inn anywhere else in the whole of Faerun. One can get a private room for 9 gp/night, with stabling and a solid evening meal included in the price. A two-share (two double beds, usually rented to two couples) is 6 gp/bed per night. A common room (8 beds or more) is 4 gp/ night per person.
Proprietor: Balaghast Bright- lingar is a grim, hard-working ex-warrior, whose gruff manner conceals a sincerely kind heart, Located in the angle between an alley and two streets, this large, recently opened inn offers ample, airy, well-lit rooms, new furnishings, clean surroundings, high rates, and an efficient, numerous staff-including bouncers to keep undesirables out. The 10 gp/room per day rate includes stabling, a valet service for cleaning and repairing clothes and boots, and a bottle of wine per head per evening, but no food. It provides a good place for wealthy merchants who want no trouble over a place to stay.
Proprietor: A big, easygoing man, Cheth Thanion is far more alert than he seems. He never forgets a face or anyone doing him out of money.
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