Morninglow Tower Building / Landmark in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Morninglow Tower

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Morninglow Tower was Daggerford’s temple of Amaunator and a beautifully gilded structure. Standing over the rest of the town, it shone proudly on the hill next to the outer walls of the ducal castle. The cylindrical temple was the largest in town, and the only temple to sahre the hillside with the castle. The stone side that faced the town was decorated with rosy stones and glittering quartz, creating the image of a shining sun in homage to Amaunator. That side was a facade, since the eastern wall was open to the rising sun, and to the arrows of defenders if the tower was ever taken during a siege)   Self-important and blustery Luc Sunbright leads worship in the tower. The ducal family worshiped at this temple, and Luc considers the duke’s favor to be a mark of distinction he had somehow earned, despite the fact that dukes of Daggerford have worshiped here since long before he was born. The priest was very class conscious, so farmers and merchants who come to rites at this temple often found themselves brushed aside in favor of wealthier folk.

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