River Shining Tavern Building / Landmark in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

River Shining Tavern

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This is the main entertainment center for the nobility of the surrounding lands and the major notables of Daggerford. The duke and his sister have been known to eat here, and the main hall of the tavern doubles as the meeting room for the Council of Guilds.   The Delimbiyr family took their name from the river and named the tavern after it, too. The River Shining Tavern is the longest established tavern still operating in Daggerford and claims to date from the town’s founding. Certainly, the wooden building’s architectural style matches that of the oldest buildings in town.   The first Delimbiyr was a half-elf known as Kelven. He married a human woman and their children were human, as is the norm in the Forgotten Realms. Still, the family treasures its elven heritage and uses a forest motif throughout the tavern.   Only the most successful adventurers with much gold to spend are welcomed at the River Shining Tavern, though no one is turned away as long as they have the money for their drinks and meals. Meals start at 1 gp, though some cost as much as 5 gp. The guest rooms in this two-story structure are generally available only to the most noble and influential patrons. The normal price for a room is 2 gp per day.

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