House Orien

We get things where they need to go. Whether we have to cross mountains, rivers, or the Mournland itself, Orien finds a way.

House Orien is a primarily human dragonmarked house found throughout Khorvaire. The house specializes in courier services and land-based transport. Although House Cannith invented the lightning rail, House Orien are the ones who operate and manage it. House Orien possesses the Mark of Passage. This dragonmark grants various magical benefits that allow its bearers to control travel and teleportation. The war adversely effected House Orien as bridges and rail tracks were often destroyed in order to slow down enemy advancements. To make matters worse, House Lyrandar began running the airship business toward the end of the war. House Orien's dominance over the field of transportation has never been so unsure. In an effort to regain control, the house has begun to focus on its teleportation business, though teleportation remains expensive.


The dawn of air trasportation has left House Orien struggling to keep up their hold on transit across Khorvaire. The two houses are kept under control by the rest of the Ten, but they are politically at each other's throats. House Lyrandar is quick to deny any possibility of losing their newfound power, but House Orien is prepared to do almost anything to keep hold of their claim to Passage.


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