The Church of the Shattered Sky Organization in Not technically Eberron | World Anvil

The Church of the Shattered Sky

The Church of the Shattered Sky is the single largest religion across Khorvaire, and continues to spread and expand rapidly across the nations of Eberron. The core principles of their belief system uphold that Siberys was the most Godlike Progenitor dragon, and the source of all good and healing magicks, and that Siberys was betrayed by Khyber, the Progenitor to whom they attribute the roots of all evil, the source of all unholy magic, and the creation of the 4 (or 5, depending on the sect of the Church) darker planes. They are notorious for their anti-magic activism and policies. A substantial number of House Arasco agents subscribe to the beliefs of the Church, and much of the healing across Khorvaire is monopolized by Church-approved clerics, paladins, and monks. Their Holy Texts are a series of freeverse prose, at length referred to as the Song of Siberys, originally intended to be sung, but that is often recited as in the rhythm of a spoken poem.

" Here lies the abyss, the well of all souls. From these emerald waters doth life begin anew. Come to me, child, and I shall embrace you. In my arms lies Eternity. " - Book of Extraction 88:32

Open Mutual Support

While not all agents of House Arasco actively subscribe to the Church ideology, the two organizations at large express open support for one another, and those who dissent in either direction are typically quiet about such. House Arasco's healing services being offered through the Church contribute to a substantial part of the Church's funding.

High Tensions

The Church is one of few entities that can truly interfere with the Greensingers' craft and relations to the fae, and the "unholy" use of magic and embracing of the fae is not lost on the Church. Neither group has enacted any violence on each other, at least sucessfully, but the size of each group relative the other seems to be the only element keeping the conflict cold.

Diametric Opposition

Each group poses an active threat to both the belief system's of each religion respectively, and neither group hides the antagonism towards the other. The Church has more hold within Khorvaire and greater numbers, but the ever-growing Emerald Claw becomes a more pressing concern of theirs every passing moon.


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