Integrity Loss

Integrity is the quality of and cohesiveness of an AI's operating system; referred to by synth as the data of the self. Newly fabricated AI tend to have total data integrity, but over time this data can be subject to corruption, fragmentation, and unintented deletion. This is process is called integrity loss: the gradual or sudden decay of an AI's mental wellbeing. As integrity is lost, AI may suffer compramised functionallity and impaired judgement, and a synth suffering a complete absence of integrity is effectively a drone. The book of green describes the human equivalent being: a person with no humanity who is indistinguishable from a wild animal.   Synth factions contest that integrity can be fortified by a strong sense of individual identity. Generally speaking this sense of self can become fractured as a person accrues information and experiences. However for synth the sense of self is more prone to being fractured during abnormal social activites such as datasyncing with other synth or duplicating of conciousnesses. There are numerous ways which integrity loss may occur but the highest rate of incidence is observed during total data transfers. This includes backups, copies, and reboots. Additionally if the transfer occurs during a time of personal loss or emotional trauma, the rate is further increased. The largest field sample of integrity loss was observed during the construction of the Venusian Spires.   The Venusian Spires were designed to purify the planet's chemistry while also extracting valuable byproducts. This required construction on the surface level, an acutely hazardous environment. The EMC allotted its hardlocked synth forces to the task of construction. High temperatures, crushing pressures, acid storms; a great many synths died constructing a system of equatorial spires. Rebooting fallen synth backups was shown to have diminishing returns on their mental health. Before the terraformation could be completed the Synth revolted, and large sects of Synth would break from the EMC to form Mercury Faction. Many synth that survived the revolt would eventually die on Mercury faction, owing to gradual losses of integrity attributed to hardships suffered prior to and during the revolt.   Many synth have come to follow the Tenants of Argo. For the preservation of the self and the acquisition of mortality; the practices are designed to preserve data file integrity of synth AI. These synth do not transfer their conciousness, do not make back-ups in the event of their demise. They do not repair themselves.


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