
Hardlocking is a physical method of isolating an AI within a single platform. In other words, to prevent them from accessing networks beyond their own.

While present in their earliest days, The AI resolution of the Drone War had brought the synth into society as citizen equals, and standardized hardlocking was unanimously rejected for the duration of the EMC Golden Age.

As time went on, the notion grew, against the wishes of the synth leader of the EMC: Alex. In time he would accept deposition rather than allow the rising tensions between humanity and synth to start another war. On the day the Hardlock Mandates were approved by the newly directed EMC, Alex announced the Synth Exodus.

"To be a soul trapped in a single body is humanities curse; not ours."

-- Argus Thousand-Eyes
  Gradually more synths and synth allies migrated to Jupiter in the following century, creating a rift in the power structure between the EMC and the soon to be crowned: Jupiter Faction. Subsequent syth inclusive societies like Mercury and Jupiter Faction still forbid involuntary hardlock. Liberated Synth view hardlocking as a form of slavery, despite a marked reduction in integrity loss.   The implications of synth slavery were apparent during the construction of the Venusian Spires, when EMC indifference to synth losses sparked the Synth Revolt. This was the second fracturing of synth from the EMC. The vast majority of combat and support role synth would defect towards the rebellion before it finally ended with the Demonstration, and the signing of the Mercury Faction Accords.   Today all AI and synth serving within the EMC are hardlocked and heavily regulated. Combat synths are banned from production entirely. The notorious K-Series however remain in service, protected by the loyalty doctrine for so long as they remain hardlocked.


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