
Synth refers to an individual AI operating in a personal platform, often called a Chassis.  


If an AI is the virutal mind; then the chassis is the body. While some AI take no interest in the physical world, the majority see it as to be engaged. Synth do this with no standardized form in particular. In addition to humanoid formats commonly found within central alliance territories, liberated synth often don the characteristics of animals and other aspects of nature. This advocates the synth notion that they are not mimics of their human creators; but a species in their own right, deserving equal place with all life in the natural world. In machine societies like Mercury Faction, human facial features are rare.   Synth are able to communicate with eachother instantaneously in real time. In industrial or combat settings they may be heard chirping audibly in their QR language, or if properly networked they are not heard at all. However, for the sake of self expression, libterated synth actually prefer the nuances of spoken language, just as they prefer physical existence to a virtual one.   A modern Synth Chassis can be heavily modified, and synth have evolved to be adaptable in this manner. It is not uncommon for a synth to own more than one body. AI always have the option to completely transfer themselves, to make copies, or even back themselves up in the event of their demise. However such procedures are not always without cost.
Mining Synth adapted for combat during the Synth Revolt
  The synths greatest ability is the Sync. A sync occurs when two synth AI agree to exchange all data, in other words: they share the experiences of eachothers lives. A sync may prevent a clash of wills, by sharing perspectives both synths naturally gain empathy and mutual trust. The only consequence of a sync can be the loss of individuality, a common subject of synth mental wellness; referred to synth as integrity loss.


Synth recall better than most that it was they who first formed the EMC, following their resolution of the human made Drone War which nearly destroyed their civilization. After a golden age gifted to humanity by the synth, dying relations with human descendants threatened to turn to war, and so the synth left the earth to colonize Jupiter in a movement known as the synth exodus. This was the founding of Jupiter Faction.   While many Synth emigrated to JF, many remained under human regulation and instruction. The EMC hardlock mandates that triggered the Exodus, effectively isolated synth AI within a dedicated chassis. Liberated Synth AI still view this as a form of slavery. When the harsh treatment of EMC workers sparked the Synth Revolt; Alex, the founding synth leader of the EMC, took a fighting force of over 50,000, composed of both synths and humans, to bolster the disadvantaged rebellion.   In the end the unified rebel forces were chased from venus towards the center of the system. With the sun at their backs and the EMC bearing down, the rebels seized the orbital hydrogen cannons and refitted them as weapons. The rebels fired five shots, in what became known as the great demonstration. The EMC sued for peace and the Mercury Faction Accords were signed; giving the rebel forces lawful claim over planet mercury.   Mercury Faction remains the truest Synth society, and the founder of the Tenants of Argo, the only synth religion. Mercury was trnasformed into a superconducting machine world called the Ring, populated with billions AI. Initially MF founded along side human members, however their populations were insufficient to sustain a residing populous over the centruies. Today they take no interest in the affairs of human society, content that the modified Solar Wells can provide further demonstration, should the humans ever need another reminder.
"Humans didn't pick their bodies, Evolution did. The design makes sense. I'd be rocking butterfly wings otherwise." -- Vega


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