Mercury Faction Accords

Mercury faction accords were peace treaty signed between the EMC and the synth revolters. It was only accepted by the EMC after an MF act of terror known as the Demonstration.   Chased from Venus between the EMC and the Sun the synth rebels seized the hydro cannons which had been used to reduce the atmosphere of Venus by applying hydrogen ions in the early days of Venusian Terraforming. Overnight the rebels refitted the hydro cannons as weapons, capable of focusing the sun's energy like a magnifying glass towards any target in the system. The Rebels warned of their capabilities but when the EMC refused to believe it, Alex commanded the cannons to fire on five targets. This was the great demonstration. Mercury Venus Earth Mars one shot was fired for each planet and the final shot struck down the EMC flagship hope. The EMC in central system Alliance was forced to come to terms.   The terms of these accords were as follows:
1. Any rebels be the human or sense still trapped in the central system Alliance would be granted immediate safe transport to interromnia, the last wat station of the synth rebellion.
  2. Planet Mercury would be turned over to the rebels. It would be there lawful domain to do with as they please. Established under the identity of mercury faction, in keeping with the emcs file name for the Jupiter colonies, almost mockingly.
  3. Mercury's orbit region would be considered Mercury faction territory. EMC in central Alliance craft would be forbidden to enter without express permission which they could deny for any reason.
  4. Any humans who supported the Synth Rebellion, directly or indirectly, would be granted amnesty. They would either be allowed to return to the central system as pardoned citizens, or they'd be permitted to retreive family to settle within Mercury Faction territory.
  In exchange Alex would guarantee peace between the emc and the newly established Mercury faction. This was the Mercury Faction Accord. It ended the EMC war on unwilling hardlocked synth under the central system alliance. In time the rebels would transform Mercury into the Ring . A safe haven for all synth within the solar system.


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