
For their assistance in the Synth Revolt, the colonists of Venus were granted vassaldom. Under the EMC, they would establish their own government, in exchange the EMC would be entitled to trade and offer protection, especially from the newly established Mercury Faction. This was the creation if the Venusuan Workres Union. Under terms, Venusians would retain mineral rights and be able to democratically elect and administrative overseer of operations. The overseer's responsibilities are to operate the Venusian colonial effort in the interests and benefit of the colony. In effect, the overseer sits in dominion over Venus, abeit under vassaldom of the EMC.   Irea Maynor was the first elected. Her campaign was built largely on colonial prejudice to synth, which was abundant in the wake of the Synth Revolt. United against AI, the overseers early conducts, preclamations were a reduction in reliance on automated processes. This would ensure union workers would not be replaced by automation. This political ideology propelled the campaigns of future overseers. Further administrative efforts have gone to maintaining good relations with their value trade partner: Mars. ue of the opposing natures of their respective resources, the bond between Mars and Venus has since grown unbreakable.   The twelth and most famous overseer Taro Yuey, is known for proposing terms with the MCA to embargo the EMC from trade. As the immensitiy of trade had grown, EMC taxation rates and priority selection of resources created animosity. Overseer Yuey announced the embargo would continue until they were given further independence from the EMC. In success the EMC made amendments to the original terms of their vassaldom, including the creation of a colonies vassal military: the Galactic Colonial Militia. This would be remembered as the GCM cold war.   The current overseer Volus, was elected for his security campaign. Since elected, he has comitted the VWU to an overhaul of security networks meant to prevent infiltration from Mercury Faction synth. This campaign was highly supported by the EMC amidst growing tensions with the long silent Mercury faction. Volus has vowed that any synth of the Ring who dare to infiltrate their networks will be recycled for slag canisters.


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Aug 16, 2024 23:25 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article and design.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3