Rane Summers

Rane was born to Valen and Sabi Summers, during their fourth tour as EMC corporals of Iron Squad. Her parents accepted a mandatory 5 year leave to raise their infant on Earth. After this period concluded, Rane was moved between orbit stations and cruisers with other EMC familials. Her parents led busy lives as corporals, forcing their daughter to accept quality time with them, in place of quantity.   When the EMC declared the Reclamation War, Rane didn't see her parents for 3 years. She was 11 when they were implicated in The Vulcanalia. The news her parents had become rogue agents, responsible for the loss of countless lives, made a hurtful impact in her early development. Though publically Rane was accepted as an innocent bystander and victim, she carried great shame. When she turned 15 she joined the EMC, dedicating herself in repayment of the crimes of her family. She has since become known as 'the daughter of iron'.
  An exemplary soldier, Rane developed several skills, specializing in mobility. She made corporal after her first tour and never sought higher position. She was awarded the Medal of Unity, after her part in neutralizing a merc warband who'd intended the destruction of an MCA orbit station. Reassigned to Cobalt Squadron, under the command of Sgt. Bellamy, she would serve with them for six years.
  In a fateful mission gone wrong, Cobalt squad found themselves on the Venusian surface in the midst of a caustic flood. Corporal Summers was ordered to escort the citizenry to safety, but defied orders in a failed attempt to save her squadmate, which resulted in the loss of her right arm up to the shoulder. Rane was demoted to private and following a 6 month rehabilitation period, reassigned to Argon Squad. The argument has been made that Rane's presence in the EMC serves as a redemption campaign for EMC part in the Vulcanalia. Her quick reassignment to another squad is a likely deleniation of this propoganda. Under normal circumstances she would likely have been discharged.
Her new arm is an EMC augment, fitted with a rehabillitation AI who serves as her support, as well as the interface with her new appendage, until she gets used to it.


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Aug 6, 2024 12:27 by Shalyn

Very interesting! It would be exciting to see more about her defiance when she tried to save her sqaudmate. I loved it! Thank you for the exciting read.