The Vulcanalia

The current calandar counts the year from AV: After Vulcan. It is the most significant celestial event in the systems history since the birth of Solaris.
It can be said the Vulcanalia began when Jupiter Faction inherited the data for Quantum Fusion. During the conflicts within the inner system, JF had fortified itself, ever wary of war with the Earth Military Corps. In the shadow of the central system's attention, JF had grown into its own superpower, but still struggled under embargoes and restrictions on trade. The faction needed their own cure for civilization, and so began the Project Vulcan. They would use Quantum Fusion to transform Jupiter into a star.
  JF's intent was to gradually transform the planet into a low yield brown dwarf. In success it would greatly reduce JF dependance on trade with the EMC, namely their new vassal: the Martian Conservation Authority. When Mars became a vassal to the Earth Military Corps, Commanders of the EMC boasted that Jupiter Faction too should consider swearing alleigance. Although the EMC statements were unnofficial, the JF Clan leaders collectively denounced the notion of ever becoming a vassal to any entity. EMC spies infiltrated within JF eventually stole the tech for Quantum Fusion, after discovering Project Vulcan. The EMC declared the. Reclamation War, citing JF raids and an unregulated government as a call to duty.
  The costly war ended when Iron Squad, an EMC unit acting against orders, prematurely ignited Jupiter's core. The project meant to gradually transform the planet was viciously accelerated, resulting in the absolute decimation of local populations, and the rebirth of Jupiter as a red dwarf star. This tragic disaster would be remembered as the Vulcanalia. Jupiter Faction never formally surrendered, but the war nonetheless concluded.

"If my parents traitors, am I a traitor too?" -- Rane Summers 'daughter of iron' age 11

Vulcan Dawn - Artist Unknown


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Aug 16, 2024 18:59

ooh, this is an interesting event. I've always wondered what could cause Jupiter to turn into a star. Very creative :D Great job on this article <3

Aug 17, 2024 19:33 by Will Written

:D Thank you so much!

Aug 17, 2024 19:35 by Will Written

Oh also- I've read that if Jupiter were 16 times it's own size it would naturally become a star. What I essentially did was trigger fusion at the planets core unnaturally to initiate the transformation.

Aug 17, 2024 20:00

Yes, I have read that as well. The more fanciful part of myself sometimes wishes that Jupiter WAS bigger, but I know that that would probably destroy the solar system, lol.   When it comes to making a star, sometime you have to jumpstart the fusion yourself. :D