Noveska The Second Era - The Early Years of Adria, and the Adrian Civil War
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The Second Era - The Early Years of Adria, and the Adrian Civil War

Era beginning/end


"As the strength and prosperity of the people of Omelas grew, so too did their ambitions. Men, especially, grew increasingly dissatisfied with their small new kingdom among the Old Kingdoms of Adria, while the Elves of Omelas were, by and large, less inclined to expand the kingdom. Over the course of decades, the disagreement became increasingly hostile, until it finally turned from a philosophical difference to an armed conflict."

When they first arrived in the new country from Omelas, the Men and Elves lived in harmony for many centuries, as they always had in Omelas. They named the new country Adria, after the goddess incarnate who rescued them from the Ageless Turmoil.   As they began to build their new civilization, they found that Adria was by no means an uninhabited land, but was instead home to many existing civilizations of different races. These civilizations, known now as the Old Kingdoms, were predominantly peaceful, and willing to accommodate the people of Omelas in their lands.   As the strength and prosperity of the people of Omelas grew, so too did their ambitions. Men, especially, grew increasingly dissatisfied with their small new kingdom among the Old Kingdoms of Adria, and wanted to use their growing power to expand their influence. After all, Adriel had promised them dominion over this new land. The Elves of Omelas were, by and large, less inclined to expand the kingdom, and favored sharing equal power with the Old Kingdoms. They began to believe that Men were a naturally power-hungry people, and that they were misinterpreting Adriel’s prophecy for their own benefit.   Over the course of decades, the disagreement became increasingly hostile, until it finally turned from a philosophical difference to an armed conflict. Civil war broke out between the Elves and Men of the new Adrian Empire. Eventually, the Elves were forced to flee to the west, across the sea to the land now known as Thelandyr. The Adrian Empire, more concerned with continuing to increase its dominion over Adria than eradicating the surviving rebels, did not pursue the Elves across the sea once they had established peace in their own lands.

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