Noveska Timeline of Historical Eras Timeline
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Timeline of Historical Eras

The four Eras of Noveskan history.

The First Era

The “First Era” is largely a time lost to history, and refers to the age of the Old Kingdoms, before the Ageless Turmoil and the fall of Omelas.

  • 0 1E

    The Fall of Omelas and Beginning of the Ageless Turmoil
    Era beginning/end

    "The common folk often say that the Ageless Turmoil has raged for a thousand thousand years, as do most of Noveska’s religious texts. Historians, however, date the beginning of the Ageless Turmoil around 2,000 years ago, when Elves and Men first came to Noveska."

The Second Era

1 811

The Second Era began when Humans and Elves first came to Noveska, ending with the Adrian civil war and the Elves’ departure to Thelandyr.

  • 1 2E

    811 2E

    The Second Era - The Early Years of Adria, and the Adrian Civil War
    Era beginning/end

    "As the strength and prosperity of the people of Omelas grew, so too did their ambitions. Men, especially, grew increasingly dissatisfied with their small new kingdom among the Old Kingdoms of Adria, while the Elves of Omelas were, by and large, less inclined to expand the kingdom. Over the course of decades, the disagreement became increasingly hostile, until it finally turned from a philosophical difference to an armed conflict."

The Third Era

812 1840

The Third Era began when the Elves were driven out of Adria and settled in Thelandyr, ending with the Unity Accord.

  • 1 3E

    1029 3E

    The Third Era - The Foundation of Thelandyr and the Long Years of War
    Era beginning/end

    "It wasn’t long, in historical terms, before the Thelandryn Empire was nearly equal to the Adrian Empire in prosperity and strength. It wasn’t long, either, before the two great empires recognized each other as threats to their respective peace. It has long been disputed how the first war started between the Thelandryn Empire and the Adrian Empire. But by whatever means, war began, and it never truly ceased."

The Fourth Era

1841 and beyond

The signing of the Unity Accord marked the beginning of the Fourth Era.

  • 1 4E

    The Fourth Era - The Last War and the Unity Accord
    Era beginning/end

    "Peace negotiations had happened countless times before. They rarely ended in any agreement, and even agreements reached had never lasted more than a few years before one side or the other betrayed them. But never before had either Empire shown the good will of sending their King to a negotiation."