Haim Edera (Haym Eh-deh-rah)

Founder and First Lord Commander of the Adamantine Wayfinders


Haim Edera is the founder of the Adamantine Wayfinders. He is a figure held with great reverance with their organization and is a somewhat polarizing figure within the history of Novus.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Haim was raised as an agricultural work on the Jade Ring, working primarily in animal husbandry. Most animal husbandry work at the time was devoted animals like cattle, sheep, chickens, and other animals needed to balance Novus's food chain. The Ederas were instrumental in their care and cultivation of horses as work animals and important transportation animals within Novus.

Haim was said to have a deep affinity with the horses he cared for and saw how limiting life within the Jade Ring could be for them. It was rumored that this played a factor in his later implementation of horses within the Adamantine Wayfinders.

When Haim was a young man, a monster attack struck Novus, one that managed to breach the defenses of the city. While the attack was eventuall repelled by the Brass Spears of Novus, many lives were lost. Haim himself was said to have been deeply impacted by this loss.

Not wishing to ever see such loss again, Haim believed that scouting the Outer Wilds to uncover potential threats to Novus was necessary. He assembled a group of civillians who would devote themselves to this task, leaving the city and risking all the dangers that came with it to provide valuable information about threats the lie beyond.

Haim fought hard for official recognition for his newly minted group. He was eventually allowed to build a keep for him and his rangers within a reconstructing district of the Copper Ring, provided he did it himself, without any resources from the city. Haim assembled his followers to collect stone and timber from outside Novus to construct Adamant Keep.

The adversarial relationship between the city and the newly minted Adamantine Wayfinders ended when the Wayfinders managed to repel monster incursion on the plateau before Mount Abregoth. Though many died in this fight, their sacrifices were imortalized before all of Novus. The Brass Ring moved to officially conscript and recognize the Adamantine Wayfinders as an official arm of their military forces, empowering them to act as a long range scouting, discovery, and defensive force.

Haim became the first Lord Commander of the Wayfinders. His tenure in the position lasted for only three years before him untimely demise during a scouting mission in the Outer Wilds. He was honored postumously with having the recenly reconstructed Edera District named after him.

Personality Characteristics


Haim was deeply motivated by a sense of duty and protectiveness, believing that the sacrifices made by the Wayfinders would save many lives and allow Novus to continue strong. His principles and firm belief in this laid the groundwork for the guiding principles of the Wayfinders. Haim is also responsible in part for a secret set of beliefs that run throught the Adamantine Wayfinders that the real chance for survival in Novus lies beyond her ruined rings.


Religious Views

It is believed that Haim was a devout follower of Naltyr, who vividly heard the song of the Wisperwind. Whether he understood it then, it was motivating him to seek out her presence withing the world of Vespala. It would also explain his affinity with animals.
Lawful Good
Current Status
76 PF 112 PF 36 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by miasma
Jade Ring
Place of Death
Outer Wilds
Dirty blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization