Adamant Keep


Adamant Keep is the central base of operations for the Adamantine Wayfinders. It a sort of military installation but it operates with a sense of autonomy from the Brass Spears of Novus. The keep is built off a main thoroughfare in the Copper Ring with easy access to the Copper Gate and Fairwind Skyportfor official operations for the Wayfinders.

Purpose / Function

Adamant Keep exists as a base of operations for the Wayfinders and serves a large number of functions to support their endeavors. It is the principle place to train to become a Wayfinder. A recruiting office is mainted here to his end. There is ample space on the grounds to support the largest stables in Novus for the Wayfinder's numerous mounts. The keep also maintains shrines to Naltyr, Ezrithel, and most importantly Tsukitae. These places support the oftentimes failing morale of the Wayfinders. The keep has a hospital meant to deal with the grevious wound that the Wayfinders return with.


Adamant Keep is a massive, fortress like building within the district. It is surrounded by thick stone walls, appear as sort of old castle against the steel structure elsewhere in the Copper Ring. Within these walls are a number of structures, including a massive courtyard and training plot for riding and archery. Stables, storehouses, armories, forges, and several other important structures are within the walls as well. Within the walls are also a series of plain guard towers which stretch above the wall to overlook both the city and the Outer Wilds beyond. The stone used in construction of the keep is marbled with a faint green mineral, giving the whole structure a sort of moss-covered appearance. There are also boughs of creeping ivy which seem to grow sourcelessly around certain sections of the walls.


The keep's massive walls are its first and main defense -- with a number of turrets, crenellations, and elevated platforms where defensive archery positions can be taken. Heavy gates are within the walls as well. Some have questioned why such heavy defenses are necessary within the city. These walls have the effect of obscuring what the keep holds, lending to the belief that some have that the Wayfinders are keeping dangerous secrets.


Since the Wayfinders were founded after the fall, the keep inhabits a space that once held other structures. The keep's existence is a blight upon strict reconstructionists looking to revitalize Novus as it was. History (or perhaps legend states) that Haim Edera would be given permission to found the Wayfinders if he and his followers could build the keep by themselves without draining resources. Edera retrieved stone from outside to build the fortress, a feat that many doubted was even possible.
Military base / complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization