Balance Blades


The Balance Blades are an order of relgious knights whose alegiance is in Aylus. Holding tightly to the Scalebearer's notions of justice, Balance Blades seek to keep peace and right wrongs to keep the scales of justice in working order.

Prinicipally, they act as guardians to Grinner’s Hall and other temples to Aylus within the city, but may sometimes act outside these confines, investigating crimes that they are commissioned for throughout the city. While they are not an official law enforcement body, the Brass Spears of Novus tend to give them a wide berth for fear of creating diplomatic tensions with The Council of the Hallowed Abbey. So long as the Balance Blades don't cross ethical lines, or impede other more official investigations, they are allowed to proceed as they see fit. From time to time, they are even asked to assist on particular difficult or troubling investigations.

Most Balance Blades have a affable, jovial personality, which can be a disarming presence in the cases they investigate, but only a fool would think the jesting presence of a Balance Blade is a form of naivete. Balance Blades often approach their investigations from strange angles, disarming suspects into revealing damning information with charm alone.

They are clever, often tricking suspects into revealing incriminating information or running gambits that see them slowly wearing down a suspect's resolve. Often they try to navigate the cases they solve to ending in a sort of humor irony.

As such, many are unsure of how to place the Balance Blades. Are they whimsical buffoons, to clever for their own good? Righteous heroes tipping the scales back in order? Petty people with a penchant for punching down as much as the punch up? A common reaction to meeting or interacting with a Balance Blade is confusion.

A simplified version of the Balance Blades insignia
Religious, Inquisitorial