Aylus (Ay-luhs)

Force of Balance (a.k.a. The Scalebearer)


Recently uncovered texts have revealed the presence of Aylus throughout the pantheon of Novus, a god of balance whose notions of balance in all things have kept the powers of the Gods and of mortals in balance. Like a cunning merchant who knows the weights of the scales, Alyus puts seemingly bizarre things into motion, knowing that the echoes placed into motion will drive towards balance. It is believed that the Scalebearer had a hand in convincing Bregoure to save Novus. In the same breath, those who believe this say that it was the Scalebearer who allowed the miasma to cover the world and for Mesmer to claim the world, an act of balance for the imbalance that came before. However, the harsh times that Novus has faced have shown that the scales have tipped too far in the other direction. Therefore every act of recovery, every advance, can be attributed to Aylus allowing the scales to rebalance. Aylus’s gleaming scale is a beacon to the suffering. The most faithful followers of Aylus soon realize that the act of balance is delicate and requires manipulation of the scale, so with tongue firmly planted in cheek, Aylus guides his followers towards small acts of mischief and trickery to aid in doing so.

Places of Worship

Divine Domains

Light, Peace, Trickery
Aligned Organization