The Council of the Hallowed Abbey


An assemblage of clerics, pontiffs, and acolytes of a variety of religious backgrounds. The gods that they serve have conflicting religious ideals, the members of this council forgo these tensions, believing strongly in the notion of repentance. They believe that Novus was punished for its lofty ambition, doomed to remain on land rather than flying the skies. They urge that further ambition may bring further ire and proselytize this belief. Their representatives they send to Brass Ring of Novus officially campaign to stall or cancel any initiative they see as ambitious, specifically countering scientific or arcane projects. The most extremist of those who hold this ideology may act as terrorists and vandals, destroying valuable technology, new or old. These actions are strongly disavowed by the Council. The most charitable and good natured of the Council preach repentance and kindness.

The Council operates from the Hallowed Abbey, an ancient religious complex which somehow unifies the various relgions of the Novus under one banner. The abbey is a place of worship but contains many of the oldest record of Novus. Here, the Council sponsors operations to decode, catalogue, and understand these text, to further understand the gods.

Occasionally this will uncover major findings, such as when texts uncovered the existence of Mazarathes. These efforts aid in the Council's directive of understanding what is orthodoxy and impressing the importance of following this orthodoxy on the citizens of Novus.

Ranking Members

  • Ezai Kul Zaz - representing the faith of Sarconis
  • Gixan Ismali - representing the faith of Zaera
  • Iezo Loamleaf - reprenting the faith of Ezrithel
  • Jondam Klefta - representing the faith of Mazarathes
  • Kes Dalgo - representing the faith of Kiyoh
  • Mikto Rezoule - representing the faith of Mesmer
  • Minae Arevai - representing the faith of Ordonda
  • Reikon Dimal - representing the faith of Artusa
  • Selae Ettiva - representing the faith of Syren
  • Tima Tarrozka - representing the faith of Aylus
  • Xophene Dika - representing the faith of Demisoth
  • Hurgoz Angrekai - representing the faith of Bregoure
  • Terra Anavetis - representing the faith of Tuakkou
Religious, Organised Religion