Brass Ring of Skies


The Brass Ring of Skies is the one of the newest council level position on the Brass Ring of Novus. It was forged in response to the growing and increasing necessary field of air travel. As airship travel expanded Novus's reach for the acquisition of materials beyond Novus and help to facilate easy travel between rings, the Ring of Skies was made to overse these efforts.

The Ring of Skies is the source of much political controversy. It was highly lobbied for by the Skyfarer's Guild, which achieved council recognition while other guilds in Novus did not. Others see the heavy-handed appointment of the Ring as a political manuever to undermine the power of the Deerai Collective who devoteed many resources into the rediscovery of flight. By placing the area of flight under the control of a government group, the Collective's influence could be curtailed.

Flight is deeply intrenched into the fabric of Novus's society -- between vital resources being collected from the Outer Wilds, support for the Adamantine Wayfinders, or continuing to advance the technology to bring Novus to flight again. These reasons validate the Ring's existence despite what detractors might say.


Must be or have served as the captain of a vessel with a crew of 20 or more for more than five years.


The Ring of Skies is given by appointment. The Skyfarers Guild puts forward a nominee (or multiple if necessary). The Brass Ring then may choose to vet the nomiee. Only a guild nominee can be appointed, and should the election window close without the Brass Ring concluding a vote of appointment, the nominee is granted the position by default.


  • Responsible for the safe implementation of airship technology within the city
  • Oversees and participates in the acquistion of resources necessary for Novus from beyond the city.
  • Supports military functions of the. Admantine Wayfinders and the Brass Spears of Novus with strategic support and assists the Deerai Collective with the continued development of air technology for the betterment of Novus.

Notable Holders

Cicereth Caeldion is the current and longest holder of the Ring. He has help the ring since its creation. He is a charasmatic figure within the Skyfarers Guild. Despite what hand wringing and consternation may have come from the creation of the ring, Caeldion has shown himself to be an elusive member of the Brass Ring, seeming to prefer his skyward expeditions to the votes and meetings of Brass Ring.

Civic, Political
Form of Address
Source of Authority
Appointed position (Skyfarer Guild nomination)
Length of Term
5 years
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