Civilian Policing Division


The Civilian Policing Division is a branch of the Brass Spears of Novus that serves as the law enforcement and constabulary branch of the military. A technicality that many residents of Novus either forget or fail to understand is the the martial law declared in the wake of the fall never entirely lifted. In the wake of the fall, Novus's military leadership declared martial law to more efficiently deal with the disastrous state of the city. In addition to the rescue and recovery efforts, the Brass Spears maintained peace and security as best as they could, despite the disjointed nature of the extremely damaged city.

This is the origin of the Civilian Policing Division, which utilzed Brass Spear resources to help the city in a way that conventional law enforcement could not. As many martial law provisions rolled back, especially as the Brass Ring of Novus was formed, the Civilian Policing Division maintained its role and prominence. This is somewhat controversial as the division also makes it easier for the the military to back the division, often with a greater than warranted force -- such as when peaceful protests turn violent. For this reason, the Civilian Policing Division is often maligned by the public, sometimes for good reason (and sometimes not).


Every member of the division is considered to be a constable. This title pairs with other ranks within the division. For instance, a constable that is also an inspector (or detective) would be called constable detective.

Each district of the city has a constable commander who oversees and manages the district. Underneath commanders are lieutenants and captains.

The division is headed by a Constable General, who is responsible for organizing the division in the event of foreign invasion.

A shield for the people

Founding Date
0 PF
Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
CPD (Civilian Policing Division), NCPD (Novus Civilian Policing Division)
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization