

Ether is magic in its rawest, naturally occuring form. It is more accurate to say that it is an energy source than a raw material, yet its physical properties are import. In its raw form, ether is neither a solid, liquid, or gas. It is volatile and unpredicatble in this form, capable of producing extremely dangerous magical effects such as disentegration or snap freezing other objects.


Material Characteristics

Ether is volatile in its natural state, capable of inflicting instant freezing in one second then inflicting severe burns in the next. It appears as rushing beam of blue energy, with many undulating threads, spokes, or tines, of energy within a central collection of the energy.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Ether is a powerful magical energy source, innate to Vespala. It is postulated that deep beneath the surface of Vespala, massive tunnels exist with large amounts of fast moving ether. These are responsible for Vespala's laylines, and convergences between these laylines produce magic fields that can effect certain magic on the surface of Vespala or above, creating places ideal for various rituals. The effect is similar to the magnetic field generated by coils of electricity.

Ether is the central make up of the Ethereal Plane, as water is to an ocean. On the Ethereal Plane, ether's volatile properties are largely inert, as are many of its magical properties.

At points where the deep earth ether has created a sort of geyser to the surface or where a barrier between the Ethereal Plane have grown thin, ether can leech through, creating what is referred to as a manafont. Manafonts are highly sought after.

Ether can also be found in a highly compressed, stable form called ethereum or crystalline ether. While it takes great time, effort, and expense, a machine driven process can turn raw ether into into ethereum. While ethereum does exist in a natural setting -- mined from the earth as any mineral is -- manufactured crystalline ether is a growing industry in Novus. Ethereuym can be use to fuel spellcasting, replacing rare or valuable components as needed or can even be used to rejuvenate a magic caster's stamina to continue casting

History & Usage


Ether was once viewed with superstition, a magical substance that defies reason and can behave unpredictably. Many once believed ether to be a vestige of gods long past, or a gift from the gods themselves. This was the prevailing thought until ether became a vital component in the production and maintenance of flying cities. Today, for most people, ether is simply a part of life in Novus, runing through utitlity tubing to power arcane machinery in Novus, from domestic tools to the massive foundries within the city.


While Novus was discovered long before the fall, it was "rediscovered" after the fall within Novus. The Calyx Arcaneum is believed to be a resevoir for ether in the city, distributing through etherlines like a heart pumping blood through the body. Ether lines directly from the Calyx power the Mekanos Infinitum to a degree that even the brightest minds in Novus do not understand.

Occasionally new laylines or nexus points will be discovered, or even mineral deposits deep within the earth will be found. When this occurs, the Stonehewers Guild will request the aid of a Deerai Collective mage to oversee safe extraction.

Everyday use

Ether powers all manner of arcane devices and is readily available to most residents of Novus in some form. This maintains enchantments and arcane machinery. Crystalline ether is used in spellcraft, alchemy, and enchantment.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Once ether is refined into ethereum, it is a rare and expensive commodity in Novus and is highly monitored as a result. Ethereum theft is a severe crime in Novus, but this has not deterred the formation of a black market for the substance. Illicit ethereum has been purchased by Deerai Collective mages looking to keep a project off books, used by hobbyist magic practicioners of magic looking to grow their power without the Collective's oversight, and has been a staple ingredient of "thrum," a dangerous and illicit drug. There is a faction of the Brass Spears of Novus that is devoted to stamping out illicit drug trade, focusing specifically on the hidden laboratories attmepting to do ethereum refining in a domestic setting. Given the wild nature of ether, failed illicit ethereum labs can cause massive damage to Novus and her citizens, leading to severe penalties for those caught in the practice.

As ethereum can also be used in various religous rites, The Council of the Hallowed Abbey keeps a reserve that is open to use by any cleric or priest recognized by the organization. However rumors abound that parts of this reserve has found its way into the hands of dark and secret cults within Novus.

Industrial Use

Ether can power a variety of arcane based machinery or enchantments and is vital to magical efforts. In Novus, Deerai Collective mages are the biggest customers for crystalline ether, followed by The Council of the Hallowed Abbey who find use for it in a number or religious rites and practices.

Ether has its limits however. Power output is directly proportional to the skill of the mage or spell that is using it. Its wild nature is not desirable for most industrial settings that require consistency above all things. This, paired with ether's general scarcity in Novus, has lead to ether being a secondary power source compared to coal or other fossil fuels. Novus's power grid is mostly run of these resources, compared to ether.


Crystalline Ether is considered to be a more refined form of ether, but it is quite rare. Because of this, an effort has been made to make manufactured crystalline ether, using magic and machines to further compress and initiate a crystalline cascade in raw ether to force it into its crystalline form. This process is lengthy, taxing, and expensive, but is necessary to fuel the demand that exists for the substance amongst Novu's magical elite.


When an etherline in Novus bursts, wild unpredictable magic can usher forth. These events have the potential for great harm in Novus. As such, etherlines are carefully monitored and maintained to prevent devastating accidents.
Common State