Everwound Springs


Everwound Springs are a vital component for Gearforged. These springs come in many shapes, sizes, and applications -- keeping gearforged skeletal structure and internal function in continuous motion.


Everwound Springs are very rare. Because of their application within Gearforged, the sale of everwound springs is highly regulated. Some hospitals within Novus have taken to stocking them in order to treat Gearforged patients, but the supply is extremely limited. Axiom keeps a supply to help care for Gearforged in the community, though their supply is notably unable to meet the needs of their community. It is rummored that organizations outside of this normal us are acquiring everwound springs for application in other uses -- such as robotics or automation. The Deerai Collective has worked hard to squash these rumors.


Everwound springs use microscopically inlaid enchantments that create a sort of perpetual motion. The nature of these enchantments is resistant effects that would otherwise nullify the effects of magic, such as a dispel magic spell. Their physical construction displays a degree of engineering that post-fall Novus has been unable to achieve.


Everwound Gears have been a part of gearforged since before the fall, but their discovery as a piece of technology separate from Gearforged construction dates to the earliest expeditions into the Mekanos Infinitum.


Everwound springs are a key component in Gearforged skeletal structure and internal processes, animating the gearforged body like ligaments inside living tissue. It is also theorized that large machinery, such as the ancient arcane devices of the Mekanos Infinitum, or the pre-fall Novus factories found within the Bronze Ring are kept working using gigantic versions of similar technology. Since everwound springs can last much longer than their non-enchanted counterparts and even be used to conduct Ether, various artificers from the Deerai Collective have suggested using them in non-gearforged applications, though not without controversy.


Everwound springs cannot be manufactured and are instead recovered from the Mekanos Infinitum where arcane practices unknown to and unwitnessed by any presumably create the springs.
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