Bronze Ring


The Bronze Ring is situated between the Copper and Jade Rings. It is primarily a residential and industrial level of the city. Here, the various guilds reign supreme, tasked with ensuring that various functions and industries within Novus maintain fucntion and production. The most prized places to live within this district are situated near opening to the Copper Ring, where reflective pannels cast light down to the Jade Ring. This light spills outward from these areas and is the only source of direct natural light that isn't largely shaded by the rings above. Light panels ancored throughout the ring cast artificial light to the disrtict that correspond with night and daytime hours.


The Bronze Ring is a notably a lower to middle class district , with citizens hold jobs in the mines deep below the city, in ongoing reconstruction efforts, or in various industries supporting many of these functions within the city. These labor intensive fields are vital to the function of Novus.


The Bronze Ring marks a sharp divide culturally in Novus, with priveliged elites literally looking down up on the lower class, blue collar workers below. When Novus fell, all of the citizenry was expected to contribute to her reconstruction, to do what was necessary for the city's survival. Now hundreds of years later, this attitude persists for many within the Bronze Ring, who see it as their duty to provide for Novus. Others have grown weary of the demands placed upon them by the upper ring dwellers. Seasons of unrest ebb and flow throughout the Bronze Ring and the rings below, sometimes ending in minor concessions, but more than likely ending in a forceful dissolution of protest by the Brass Spears of Novus.  

The Bronze Ring is outfitted with large amounts of machinery that are a part of Novus's beating heart. Ductwork, cogs, support struts, iron facades encasing giant pistons, coiling tubing and cabling, and many more machines snake their way through the ring, leading both upward and downward. Some of these machines are tied into the Calyx Arcaneum. Some of these machines are speculated to be apart of the necessary machinery to make Novus fly once again. Still others are tied to the Mekanos Infinitum, which serve vital functions like the delivery of power to Novus. This is to say nothing of the large amounts of machinery within the ring to support the various industries within all of Novus. The Bronze Ring is known for having remarkably lower air quality than the other rings for the presence of exhaust from factories and machinery within.


A variety of communities exist within the Bronze Ring, a true melting pot within Novus. Members of nearly every race can be found here, some preferring to build communities together, while others finding more of their identity in being from the Bronze Ring. The Gearforged are a particularly insular community here, who often find themselves at odds with others, both from their own ring and above.


The Bronze Ring is officially under the control of the Brass Ring of Novus as every ring in Novus is, but various production and mercantile guilds have been given wide berth in their oversight of the ring, so long as production persists. These guilds are the real powerbrokers of the ring and largely act within the best interests of Novus and her people, but given the degree to which profit and influence have become motivating factors for these guilds, their motivations frequently come into question.


The Bronze Ring is a hub of travel, with lifts and a rail system that ferries workers to the mines, factories, or other rings as needed. These robust systems of travel are widely important to the function of the city and operate with perfect syncroncity and punctuality. Roads systems are robust and accomodating of large vehicles and feed into theses transit systems.
Included Locations