Gold Ring


The Gold Ring of Novus is the highest ring of the city of Novus. Unlike other rings which are large, expansive, and capable of housing large structures, the Gold Ring a single large estate. This estate belonged housed the Riovelle family, the once royal rulers of Novus.

The Gold Ring sustained heavy damage during the fall and as the Riovelle family line perished in the incident, no one has taken up residence in the Gold Ring once since.

The Gold Ring stands as a grim reminder of the world before. During times of remembrance or religous events of contrition, the Brass Ring of Novus grants special dispensation to The Council of the Hallowed Abbey to conduct such affairs.

Some skilled artisans have taken upon themselves the difficult task of rebuilding and restoring the Gold Ring, for the hope that one day a Riovelle heir can be found to regain rulership of Novus.
