Sarconis (Sahr-coh-nis)

Keeper of the Interred (a.k.a. The Tombsmith)


The death that engulfed so many during the fall of Novus was unnatural and unlike anything seen before. Sarconis was once a god of valor and bravery but when he saw the devastation he turned his hammer toward crafting graves and tombs to house the bodies of the fallen. Sarconis saw how the miasma and how violent deaths of countless souls could lead to an unprecedented rise of undead. Sarconis was changed by the fall and now has an intense hatred for necromancy and corruption. Before the fall, he was a God of war who sought subjugation of all. His pivot towards a hatred of necromancy is self-serving, seeking to purify what he sees as his own. Followers of Sarconis dedicate themselves to purity in all ways, living pious, moral, celibate lives, seeking to purge the world of corruption. Tombsmith monks oversee burial rites for all who perish within Novus, and will even demand that the Wayfinders lead exhibitions to recover corpses of those outside Novus to properly inter and seal away the dead. Death is a natural end in their eyes but one that must be locked and kept away within its proper place.

Divine Domains

Grave, Forge, War
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization