History of Novus, The Last City

Era of Forgotten Founding

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Much of history before the Fall of Novus is patchy at best. What is represented here is the consensus of what happened long before the Fall of Novus.

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    The Worldcarving
    Religious event

    The Worldcarving refers to the longest, and most concretely known creation myth present in Vespala. It is not certain what gods were present for the Worldcarving, but what is known is that a spirit of unity was among them to agree to create the world together. They molded Vespala from a lifeless rock into the world as it was. Thier unity in doing so has been considered a model and example of what can be accomplished with a spirit of cooperation.

Era of Clouds and Arcanum

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Magic ran rampant as cities of all kinds took to the skies of Vespala. Great nations rose, flourished, warred, invented, and progressed, until it all came crashing down.

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    Rise of Sorati
    Construction beginning/end

    As magic began to permeate every sphere of life within Vespala, great wizards and arcanum inlfuenced leaders looked to flex their power in the face of the gods who carved the world to contain them. Building great cities of steel, brass, and magic stone that could break free from the chains of gravity and fly the skies above was how they chose to do it.

    Sorati was the first of these cities launching free from their launching place on the Plains of Sorannir. Some saw this as an ultimate act of defiance against the gods. Others saw it as the apex of mankind's growth as a civilization thus far. It was a declaration of war in some ways to other nation states that were threatened by Sorati's power. Historians now see it as the beggining of the end.

    Sorati's rise marked the beginning of an era as other cities soon rose to attempt to meet Sorati's lofty goals. Within 50 years, dozens of flying cities patrolled the skies of Vespala.

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    War of the Clouds
    Military: War

    As more and more flying cities began to populate the skies of Vespsala, it was almost inevitable that their wars would come with them. First battles were fought to control the land based kingdoms and nations that carried vital supplies to keep these cities skybound. But soon these city states turn their war prone eyes toward each other. In a brutal war with airships and great monstrosities of the sky that saw entire cites fall from the sky, the War of the Clouds brought about one of the darkest eras of time in Vespala's history.

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    Concordia Primus
    Diplomatic action

    In an effort to put an end to this war, diplomats worked tirelessly to bring about the Concordia Primus, a diplomatic meeting of the great men and women of Vesapala's flying cities. In a gruel, seven day conference terms of peace were worked out. This form of peace with brokered with a treaty, also referred to as the Concordia Primus, which dictated that Sorati's Arcanum Ex Libris would become available to all cities. This library bears the records of every advance that Sorati every had or ever would make. The sharing of knowledge allowed the other cities soon caught up to Sorati's advances, but historians argued that this treaty ushered in an era of clandestine science, spycraft, and agression, leading some historians to question if the War of the Clouds really ended.

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    Founding of Novus
    Construction beginning/end

    Novus was founded as a daughter city of Sorati. It was constructed by luminaries of Sorati's intellectual elite looking to craft a template city for new cities build afterwards. It was built using new technology and designed to be sturdy and future-proof, unlike Sorati which had been modularly constructed, renovated, and refurbish across its nearly 400 years of existence. The project was overseen by Mageprincess Dierka Riovelle, who later became the first Queen of Novus when construction was finished.

Post Fall

800 PF and beyond

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    Refounding Day
    Cultural event

    After serveral years of complete desolation, the people of Novus rallied together, to restablish their city and civilization -- establishing the Brass Ring of Novus and cementing the martial law rule of the Brass Spears of Novus.

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    Calyx Arcaneum Rediscoverd
    Discovery, Exploration

    An exploration party comissioned by the Brass Ring of Novus rediscovers the Calyx Arcaneum deep within the Iron Ring, marking an important milestone for Novus's recovery.

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    Reisor Semattz Born
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Reisor Sematts, a great artist and first holder of the Brass Ring of Lanterns.