Lamplight District


As Novus recovered from the fall, many years passed with the city strictly rationing power for necessary functions. Not even domestic lighting was permitted during this time. But the case was made that such austerity was weighing heavy on the souls of people and a vocal subset of consituents began to rise up, unhappy with these decisions. They claimed that in the desperation the people of Novus were facing needed the revelry and joy once provided by the ability to while away the hours of night seeking entertaintment -- to treat and save the soul.

These passionate people personally lit lanterns throughout what would become the Lamplight District, to light the night for revelry. This section of the city became the center of art and entertainment in Novus, filled with theatres, concert halls, taverns, dance clubs, art galleries -- and also the bawdy side of art. Unofficially the Lamplight District is considered a red light district, where many sorts of pleasures can be found.

Relighting The Lanterns

With nightly drunken brawls and parties being broken up by the Brass Spears of Novus and the risk of fire from the flame lanterns, something had to be done about the growing problems presented by the Lamplight District. Eventually, the Brass Ring of Novus officially recognized the disrict, with an imposition of order. Many of Novus's aristocracy played a role in cleaning up the Lamplight District, becoming patrons to talented artists and raise their art to elegant sophistication from low bar, obscene, or crude. House Pennington was quite active in these efforts.

However this explanation underplays the role Venus Cousard played in this, whose rebellious spirit galvanized the denizens of the Lamplight District to build a place where the artists, oddballs, freaks, and rejects of Novus could call home, free to pursue their passions while the used their art to administer to the soul of Novus. It was Venus who rose through the ranks of these artists and performers, campaigned for the power allotment to relight the streetlamps of the Lamplight District, and was the one to ceremonially replace the last oil streetlamp when his efforts succeeded. Through careful political navigation and a few favors from friends in high and low places, Venus brough arts and culture back to Novus. It was considered important enough that the Brass Ring and the people of Novus granted Venus Cousard the Ring of Lanterns

Places of Interest

  • The Orchid
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