Second Distal War
The Second Distal War is an ongoing conflict between the Aunic Ascendancy and Union , having started in 5000u in Boundary Garden.
The war was precipitated by a number of factors: the Aun's general and ongoing dissatisfaction with Union's handling of reparations for PISTON-1, persistent friction over ownership of the Boundary Garden worlds, increasing paranoia over imperialist designs on both sides of the conflict, the status of the Aun living in exile on Cornucopia, longstanding cultural animosity between the Aun and Union dating back to the foundation of Anthem, Os's agitation for the reconquest of Cradle, and the third manifestation of Metat Aun over Aun'Ist.
The first shots of the war were fired by the Ascendancy, which hurled nearlight martyr ships into Fansipan station, over Cornucopia. With only minutes of warning, Union's Boundary Garden Battlegroup was caught unaware, and lost a significant portion of its combat power in the suicide attack.
After almost two hundred years, using its highly attuned pilot-NHP pairs to devastating effect, the Ascendancy has carved a wedge into Union's worlds. Many worlds, some in the innermost lines of Union's stellar territory, stand on the brink of invasion, including Cradle itself. The political and military situation is dire, and the humanitarian crisis is incalculable.