Kela Singh

Kela can be found in the 3rd house along the Broken Highway. She is knowledgeable in Clan rules and events.

Required Quest [RQ]


Broken Highway Tour
You need to talk to Connabar Tatum before you can talk to Kela.
  • 1 Medium Gauntlets
  • +5 Encumbrance
  • An increase in your Broken Highway and River Biome Reputation.
    Talk to Naheeka, she shares the 3rd house along the Broken Highway with her mother Kela.

    Kela Discusses:

    Clan Rules & Info

    Clans play a big role in our server, it is for that reason that we have written the following rules to help ensure the fun and safety for everybody.   General Clan Rules:
  • All players must be in a clan, even if it is just a clan of one. You must be in a clan for admin support purposes. You can make your own -OR- join another.
  • Players who are found not in a clan will receive 3 warnings to make or join a clan, before the NUG Staff team will begin removing your items, structures and builds from the server at your expense, meaning you will receive no reimbursement.
  • Clans are allowed a maximin of 6 players.
  •   To create a clan you need to go into your inventory (the letter i key), click on the clan tab along the top menu bar on your screen. Enter your desired clan name in to the provided section and presto you're done!     To invite a player to your clan you have to walk up to the player you want to invite. You then press and hold the letter e key, and follow the prompts.     To leave a clan you need to go into your inventory (the letter i key), click on the clan tab along the top menu bar on your screen, and click on the leave clan button.
      Leaving Clan Rules:
    To leave a clan you need to go into your inventory (the letter i key), click on the clan tab along the top menu bar on your screen, and click on the leave clan button  
    If you leave a clan for another or to start your own, everything within that clan belongs to that clan, the only exemptions to this are your personal:
  • Stash
  • Weapons
  • Armour
  • 1x Personally tamed animal.
  • 1x Personally tamed horse.
  • 2x Personally tamed thralls.
  • If you choose to leave a clan you are NOT allowed to:
  • Steal items that belong to that clan or any other clan members.
  • Cause destruction, damage, or grief to the clans remaining items, structures, buildings or members.
  • Incite other members to leave with you as a final act of greed or defiance. If other members choose to leave the clan also, it must be of their own volition and for their own reasons.
  • Commit any hostile acts against the remaining clan members unless it is for the purposes of RP, and all parties involved have given active consent to participate. If the RP requires any aspect that falls under PvP, you must follow our PvP rules. You can find these by talking to Arasan along the Broken Highway Path, or by checking out our Discord.
  •   If there are a number of players wanting to leave a clan, it is best to try and negotiate the division of clan assets between all parties involved. If an agreement cannot be reached, all property beyond the above mentioned personal limits and allowances, must remain with the group that represents the original group majority. If this still can be achieved between you in a reasonable manner, you are to discuss the matter with the NUG Staff before your issues erupt into the rest of the server.
      Clan Alliances & Clan Disputes Rules:
    Alliances between clans is encouraged in order to build and strengthen the RP elements of the server. However, they are not to be used in an attempt to circumvent the clan rules, limits, and restrictions. Trying to utilizes clan alliances to surpass can rules, limits, and restrictions is considered powergaming and will not be tolerated.     Disputes between clans are to be for the purposes of RP only. If the RP requires any aspect that falls under PvP, you must follow our PvP rules. You can find these by talking to Arasan along the Broken Highway Path, or by checking out our Discord. If the dispute erupts out onto the rest of the server or to an OoC (out of character) capacity, the NUG Staff will need to be involved.
      Clan Recruitment:
    Clan recruitment posts are to be made in the #clan-recruitment channel on our Discord under the Conan section. You are also allowed to discuss your clan with new players to our server, both in-game or in voice channels.     However, you are not allowed to try and recruit members of other clans into your own. Clan poaching is considered to be a form of meta-gaming and will not be tolerated. The exception to this rule is if it is for RP reasons, an example of such an RP reason would be if a character is being asked to leave their current clan as part of a proposal of marriage. However, it is to be RP'ed properly and in a respectful manner. If the RP requires any aspect that falls under PvP, you must follow our PvP rules. You can find these by talking to Arasan along the Broken Highway Path, or by checking out our Discord. If the RP does escalate to any aspect considered as PvP, the situation will be monitored very closely by the NUG Staff.
          For further information regarding our server rules:
  • Guide to the NUGaming Conan Server: About and Rules
  • Current Location
    Current Residence
    The 3rd house along the Broken Highway