Guide to the NUGaming Conan Server: About and Rules

About our Server

  • Our server is aimed at 18+ players who are looking for a place to call home.
  • We are a community that is dedicated to bringing gamers from all different backgrounds, shapes and sizes together to have fun and join in with our randomness and shenanigans!
  • While Rp and/or ERP is encouraged, it is also optional and not mandatory.
  • Our server also has dungeons, quest lines, and events. So there is always something to do. This includes just chilling and chatting.
  • Our server is broken up into 10 different biomes (river, desert, jungle, savanna, grasslands, highlands, tundra, snow, volcano, & undead city). Each of the biomes has its own story, quests, events etc..
  • The main story quest line will led you across our world, through each of these biomes, opening up opportunities for all different types of game play.
  • You will get to make choices via our NPC’s, some of these choices will impact the way other NPC’s interact with you, or will send you in a different direction to others. So make your choices carefully.
  • Our Discord

    Link is:
  • Please ensure that your Discord username matches your in game name.
  • Other Discord rules can be found on our discord in the #rules channel
  • Server Rules

    Below you will find the rules for our server. We have tried to create an environment that is fair and fun for everyone. These rules can be accessed here on our interactive map/world, as well as in game from the NPC's along the Broken Highway, and on our Discord under the Conan section.   General Server Rules:
  • You MUST be 18+
  • We DO NOT tolerate in any shape or form:
  • Bullying, Offensive & or Abusive Behaviour, Discrimination of Any Kind, or Trolls/Keyboard Warriors! Make Sure you're kind & respectful to each other, we are all here for fun!
  • Try to say Welcome, Wb, Hello and goodbye in global game chat to make it more friendly and engaging.
  • Your discord username must match your in game name.
  • All players must be in a clan, even if it is just a clan of one. Talk to Kela one of my fellow clansmen along the Broken Highway to find out more information regarding clans, or check out our Discord.
  • Clean up after yourself, do not leave campfires, bedrolls, wheels etc. not in current use in the world.
  • Do not /sethome at bosses, dungeons, or any points of interest. Its considering cheating if you abuse these commands and don't allow others a fair chance.
  • If you are to go AFK, you are ensure that your in-game character is not left in a place where it is going to be of an inconvenience. It is preferred that you return to your base, or that you place or emote your character appropriately to the setting it is currently in, eg. sitting on a chair if in a town.
  • Do not take advantage of loopholes in game content, if you see something broken, overpowered, or a mistake, tell an on of the NUG Staff team!
  •   We take these matters very seriously and offenders will be dealt with accordingly!     To learn all our other server rules, follow the path of the Broken Highway talking to my fellow clansmen, or you can check out our Discord.
      PvP & PvE Rules
  • As this is a RP/ERP server, all PvP requires proper RP/ERP interaction and consent from all parties involved.
  • Our PvE rules are here to ensure that everyone can experience a fun and fair environment.
  •   PvP Rules:
    So the PvP rules are as follows:
  • No KoS (kill on site).
  • Base raiding is NOT allowed unless consent has been given by all parties involved. There must be a RP reason and proper RP must be followed.
  • You have to make IC (in character) contact at least 3 times with your target before initiating a hostile action against them. Contact is made when the player has responded to or otherwise acknowledged and consented to your message. Contact should be made via a message using in-game chat and/or on our Discord.
  • When making contact you must explicitly state your intention to commit a hostile action.
  • If your target consents to engagement, you must inform your target of the consequences of non-compliance or defeat. You must also explicitly state each demand or order before you can harm your target for an act of non-compliance. You must also allow for negotiations with your target, remember this is a RP/ERP server.
  • You CANNOT take revenge for a hostile action taken against you. If you consented to the engagement then you must accept its outcome.
  • OoC (out of character) contact toward your target in relation to the proposed engagement is not considered as RP/ERP and will be treated as harassment. All contact in relation to the proposed engagement with your target must be done IC.
  •   We also run PvP events regularly, in which participation is considered consent and therefore no RP is required.
      PvE Rules:
    So our PvE Rules are as follows:
  • You are allowed to have one bed or bedroll within your base. You are not permitted to have more than one bed or bedroll on our server.
  • You must clean up after yourself. DO NOT leave campfires, bedrolls, wheels etc. around the world. All item are too kept within your base parameters. If you do not yet have a base, you are to remove everything placed outside your base once you have one.
  • Do not /sethome at towns, hubs, bosses, dungeons, or any points of interest. Its considering cheating if you abuse these commands and don't allow others a fair chance.
  • You are not allowed to build or camp at or near any location in which any major or limited spawns such as resources, animals, thralls/slaves occur. This will prevent them from spawning and is unfair to other players.
  •   We take these matters very seriously and offenders will be dealt with accordingly!
      PvE Event Rules:
    PvE Events are events in which you and your fellow players will be battling against environmental structures such as mazes etc. or opponents such as NPC's, thralls, and creatures.
  • Each event will have its own set of rules and instructions that will be announced prior to the event starting.
  •   However, the General Rules for these events are:
  • Any PvP settings that may be active (if applicable) will be turned off during these events.
  • Event time, place, and objectives will be decided by the NUG Staff and announced both in-game and on our Discord.
  • Each event may have a specific number of waves or objectives you will need to defeat in order to win your prize.
  • The number of waves or objectives will be announced before the event starts.
  • There is no limit to the number of deaths you can have in order to win, unless a death limit is stated before the event starts.
  • Major prizes will stated before the event starts, however, other prizes, if any, will depend on the event and number of people who participate.
  • The start and end of each wave or objective will be announces by the NUG Staff running the event.
  • Each wave or objective could have 1 creature or 100 creatures. Information will be provided as the event starts.
  • Prizes will be received at the end of the event. They will only be given once, if you lose your prize, that is on you.

      PvP Event Rules:
    PvP Events are events in which you and your fellow players will be battling it out against each other.
  • Each event will have its own set of rules and instructions that will be announced prior to the event starting.
  •   However, the General Rules for these events are:
  • Event time, place, and objectives will be decided by the NUG Staff and announced both in-game and on our Discord.
  • Unless stated otherwise most PvP events will be held in our Arena's (we have a combat arena & a jousting arena).
  • Each event may have a specific number of rounds or objectives you will need to defeat in order to win your prize.
  • The number of rounds or objectives will be announced before the event starts.
  • Some events may require or allow you to be in full gear, while others will require you to be in your birthday suit with no healing allowed.
  • If war paint and/or potions (such as to boost ability points) are allowed, this information will be given in the event announcement. If they are not mentioned, they are not permitted.
  • Possible event types are as follows:
  • • 1 player vs 1 player • 2 player vs 2 players • free for all. • Clan vs clan. You will take sides and go at each other last group standing wins!
  • The start and end of each round or objective will be announces by the NUG Staff running the event.
  • Information regarding each round or objective will be provided before the event starts.
  • Prizes will be received at the end of the event. They will only be given once, if you lose your prize, that is on you.


      RP & ERP Rules

    What is RP and ERP?

    RP (aka Role-play) is the term used when you are assuming the role/identity of a character. RP is reflected in your writing, speaking, acting, and game play while in character, both in world and on Discord.     ERP (aka erotic roll-play) follows the same requirements and expectations of roll-play, however, the roll-play is of a erotic/sexual nature. This is usually expressed via the use of emotes, text/voice chat, and character positions, in any combination. ERP can involve two or more consenting players acting out erotic/sexual engagements, acts, and/or behaviours   RP Rules:
    Rules regarding RP have been put in place to ensure fun and fair game play for everyone.
  • While RP is not mandatory on our server, it is encouraged. If you do choose to engage in RP you will need to uphold our rules.
  •   The RP rules for our server are as follows:
  • You are required to fill out a character bio. While you are not expected to pick a particular type of character to play, it is preferred that you pick a character that fits with our server.
  • You are required to specify whether you are IC (in character) or OoC (out of character) when engaging with other players while on our server.
  • Your character must behave realistically and appropriately to the different situations you participate in.
  • Your character name must also be used on our Discord.
  • OoC (out of character) or BC (breaking character) while on the server needs to be specified or explained as it becomes confusing and unfair to the other players who are also RPing.
  • If you come across a player who is not willing or wanting to RP, you are to accept this and move on. Do not try to force RP upon a no-consenting player.
  • If you are to go AFK, you are ensure that your in-game character is not left in a place where it is going to be of an inconvenience. It is preferred that you return to your base, or that you place or emote your character appropriately to the setting it is currently in, eg. sitting on a chair if in a town.
  • If you come up against a situation that requires any aspect that falls under PvP, you must follow our PvP rules. You can find these by talking to Arasan along the Broken Highway Path, or by checking out our Discord.

      ERP Rules:
    Our ERP rules have been created to ensure the safety of all our players. They are to be upheld at all times.     Our ERP rules are as followed:
  • YOU MUST BE 18+! There are no exceptions. If the NUG Staff suspects that you are underage for any reason, you will be banned from playing on our server until you are able to prove to the satisfaction of the NUG Staff that you are at least 18 years old.
  • All RP/ERP characters must be 18+ and must appear to be over 18+, you are not to create characters that look younger than 18. This is not negotiable. Creating characters that are (or look) under 18 will result in a ban.
  • NO MEANS NO! All players engaging in any type of ERP must give consent. This means that that all parties involved need to be knowledgeable about what is going to take place during the ERP and have given their active consent to proceed.
  • Furthermore, just because a player is okay with something being done to them by other players, does NOT mean that you can assume that it’s okay coming from you. Again, you must have the player’s active consent before YOU can do the act.
  • You must fill out our consent sheet before engaging in an type of ERP with any other players, regardless of any previous history you may have with the other players on other servers.
  • You are not allowed to engage in or discuss any topics or content that is illegal such as child porn. Any admin logs on our server or our Discord that are found to have any illegal discussion or content will be passed on to the appropriate authorities.
  • All ERP preferences are to be respected. If a players ERP preferences are things that you don't agree with, don't like, or don't enjoy, you are to keep these to yourself. Kink shaming will not be tolerated. The only time you are to draw attention to another players ERP preferences is if they are illegal, in which case you are to notify a member of the NUG Staff straight away.
  • If you accidentally go against someone’s ERP preferences, or someone else goes against yours, work with them to correct it as quickly as possible. Please know that you can contact a NUG Staff member to assist you with resolving the situation if you feel that it is needed.
  • If you are unsure about the meaning or of what is involved with a players ERP preferences, discuss it with them, but most importantly do your own research before engaging in their ERP preference.
  • If you are uncomfortable with an ERP preference that you forgot or hadn't thought to add to your consent sheet, or you come across something you didn't know existed, please make it a priority to add it to your consent sheet. We recommend that you keep your consent sheet updated regularly to prevent any negative situations.
  • If you put 'anything goes' into your ERP preferences, or anything else vague like this, do so at your own risk. You forfeit your right to complain about preference breaking if you do not put some indication of your dislikes into your consent sheet.
  • If you are engaging in ERP in any public space, any bystanders that can see your posts from more than one tile away, but aren’t directly involved in the ERP scene, are still considered to be part of the scene. This means that their ERP preferences must also be considered. If you are engaged in ERP involving kinks that violate the preferences of a bystander or otherwise makes them uncomfortable, it is considered a violation of our ERP rules. However, this is not an excuse for people to try and shut down ERP scenes between consenting players. If players are publicly ERPing a scene that involve kinks that make you uncomfortable, you can politely request that they move it elsewhere, or alternatively you can remove yourself from the area.
  • Do not disrupt non-public ERP scenes. What players do in their own base is their business (unless it is illegal).
  •   Remember that ERP is a part of this server, and therefore you may come across situations or scenarios that you're not into. If you can't accept that you might be exposed to things you don't agree with, don't like, or don't enjoy, then this may not be the server for you. If you actively seek to prevent people from engaging in said things, you will be asked to leave.     We take these matters very seriously and offenders will be dealt with accordingly!
      Our New Life Rules:
    Our New Life Rules apply to deaths that occur during a RP/ERP scenario. This means that any deaths your character may incur when OoC are at your own discretion as to whether you choose to restart your character.     However, if you do die during a RP/ERP scenario, the rules are as follows:
  • When you die you lose memories surrounding the events that led to your death. This means that running back to your body after dying is forbidden. However, if you choose to remain with your current clan with your new character, you will need write a new character bio that will permit you to keep the knowledge about your old characters family, clan, friends, enemies etc.. This needs to be done properly or it will not be accepted by the NUG Staff, especially if it results in issues or confusion for other players.
  • In cases where death is the result of a RP situation that requires any aspect that falls under PvP, you must follow our PvP rules. You can find these by talking to Arasan along the Broken Highway Path, or by checking out our Discord.
  • No Value For Life (NVFL) is disregarding your characters wellbeing in order to attempt an action with little chance of success and which conflicts with the natural survival instincts. Using NVFL in game is strictly prohibited. If your character is on the verge of starving to death and you chose to go and voluntarily put your character in a hostile situation, do not complain when you die in one punch!

      Our Gatekeeping & Powergaming Rules:
    Gatekeeping is when someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity. Everyone was a new player at some point. You can teach them how to play the game without being an asshole about it.  
    Common forms of Gatekeeping are:
  • Telling a player they can't do or be a certain character or profession because they are not "good enough".
  • Telling a player that they can't do something because they do it differently to you or how you would like it to be done.
  • You are allowed to offer advice or suggestions, however, it is up to the player as to whether they choose to take it onboard.
  • You cannot force any action, condition or belief upon another player's character (unless you have their active consent). You cannot tell another player anything about who their character is or what their character should or can't do, unless it is illegal or goes against any of our server rules. Furthermore, you cannot force another player into a situation in which they are uncomfortable or non-consenting.
  •   Powergaming is when also referred to as 'playing to win'. This is when a player is exploiting, creating, abusing, or using loopholes, game mechanics, external information, or RP concepts in order to win, turn the odds in their favour, or give them an unfair or unrealistic advantage..  
    Common forms of Powergaming are:
  • Trying to turn the rules or a situation in your favour.
  • Placing items/structures deliberately with the intent of preventing or blocking other players, thus denying them the same opportunity as you.
  • Trying to make your character higher, stronger or more skilled then they should be. This refers to when a player trys to take their character past what is realistically possible or achievable, e.g. 'I bandage my leg yesterday without any training, so now I'm a doctor'.
  • It can also be a form of Gatekeeping, when the player is attempting to create or use supposed flaws within another players character or within a scenario, in order to deflect from themselves or to put themselves in a better position.
  •   Gatekeeping and Power-Gaming is not allowed on our server and will not be tolerated. We take these matters very seriously and offenders will be dealt with accordingly!
      Our Meta-Gaming Rules:
    Meta-Gaming is when a player receives information that they would otherwise not have received in any reasonable role-play way and then decide to act upon it. The information is usually obtained from elsewhere, such as when the player is OoC, ears dropping, or any other external factors.   The player then chooses to act upon or use this information to influence their characters or clans:
  • Opinions, actions, behaviours, or knowledge of other players, characters, and clans.
  • To change their strategies, methods, or motives, thus putting themselves and/or their clan in a better position than they should be.
  •   Meta-Comms is where a player is OoC and is using a third-party program such as Discord, or has intentionally put themselves in a position that makes it possible to discuss, share, or overhear in-game information or content regarding a situation or other players.     Using Meta-Gaming and Meta-Comms tactics on our server is not allowed and will not be tolerated. We take these matters very seriously and offenders will be dealt with accordingly!

      Building Rules
    We have written our building rules to ensure the quality and enjoyability of our server for everybody.
  • Remember bigger is not always better, especially when it comes to building. Less is more!
  • Please keep in mind that every ‘item’ added to the world will impact the health and performance of the server. When you’re done with a structure, clean it up.
  •   General Building Rules:

    Our General Building Rules for this server are:

  • Do not build in the Volcano, Unnamed city, or in any towns, hubs, or Thrall Camps, Boss Spawns, Obelisk, or Any Religious Teaching sites. Your buildings will be removed by the NUG Staff at your own expense, this means you will not be reimbursed for any items, gear, or resources lost.
  • Do not block any location in which major or limited spawns such as resources, animals, bosses, NPC/thralls, or passage ways, this includes waterfalls.
  • Never leave any non-permanent, such as taming pens, campfires and sleeping bags, scattered across the server. You must remove anything you have built across the world once you have a base.
  • Never spam building pieces such as foundations or pillars.
  • DO NOT stack foundations or use foundations to create walls. Stacking Foundations = Your base will be deleted without compensation.
  • Try to keep your building structures above 40 stability, otherwise you risk your base collapsing on restarts.
  • You are not allowed to build a Map Room at your base. There is one that can be used by all in the starting town.
  • You cannot interfere with any admin buildings. If you are found to be interfering with an admin building or player access to the admin buildings you may find yourself banned.
  • Builds must make RP sense. You cannot have a build that hovers in the air, teeters on the tip of a peak, or floats unless it makes RP sense. If you have a building that is hanging off a cliff and does not make RP sense, you will be contacted by a member of the NUG Staff with a warning to correct the build.
  • Clans are allowed one base location only.
  • Any items you place or build need to be within your base parameter. If you place or build items outside of your base parameters, you will receive a warning to move them before they are removed by the NUG Staff at your expense.

      Building Size Rules:
    All players/clans must abide by the following building size requirements to ensure server stability.  

    The Building Sizes are as follows:

  • All base builds must be a reasonable size for the size and purpose of the clan.
  • Buildings should be designed with roleplay in mind.
  • Keep all buildings and structures within 4 foundations of each other. Anything outside of 4 foundations from one structure will be taken down.
  • If the NUG Staff feels your build is too big, expect a request to downsize it. If you do not comply with the request, the NUG Staff will remove your entire base for you free of charge.
  • Unfinished structures, vacant starter huts/camps and other land claiming items may be removed by the NUG Staff if no significant progress or effort is made to finish or expand them within a reasonable time frame.
  • Using scattered structures explicitly for the sake of blocking other players is considered powergaming and will not be tolerated.
  • Reserving land is not permitted unless you have direct permission from the NUG Staff team, which would require you having submitted a building request form that has been approved.
  • If a player wishes to construct a bridge, elevator, or other structures to facilitate ease of travel across a river, over a mountain, etc. it must be made publicly available for use and approved by the NUG Staff team.
  • Bases built on or near waterfalls are restricted and require a building request form that has been approved.
  • If your clan decides to merge with another clan, all base, structure and item restrictions still apply. This means your newly merged clan can only have one base. This means that one of you will have to give up your current base, or your merged clan will have to find a new location for your base. However this would require the removal of all original bases.
  • If your clan decides to move your base to another location, you must pick up, remove or destroy all builds, items and structures of the previously owned base.
  • Remember bigger is not always better, especially when it comes to building. Less is more!   Please keep in mind that every ‘item’ added to the world will impact the health and performance of the server. When you’re done with a structure, clean it up.   If you blatantly defy the building rules – such as stacking foundations or making your base larger than necessary, your base may be removed. We will always try to give you a warning on discord for building violations, but if we find a base that is obvious in excess of what is stated in the rules, those bases will be removed without warning by the NUG Staff team at the clans expense.
      Item & Structure Limitations & Restrictions:
    All players must be in a clan and must abide by the following structure and item limits and restrictions to ensure server stability.  

    Item and structure limitations are as follows:

  • Crafting Benches (Vanilla & Mod): 1 of each per clan.
  • Vanilla Furnaces: 4 per clan.
  • Mod Furnaces: 1 of each per clan.
  • Fluid Press: 2 per clan.
  • Drying Rack: 2 per clan.
  • Grinders: 2 per clan.
  • Shrines: 1 of each religion per clan.
  • Alters of Magic: 1 of each per clan.
  • Thrall Wheels: 1 only per clan.
  • Vanilla Animal Pen: 1 per clan
  • Mod Animal Pens: 1 of each pen per clan.
  • Taming Stables: 2 per clan.
  • Beehives: 2 per clan.
  • Fishing Traps: 4 in total per clan, this can be a mix of the different types.
  • Mines: 2 per clan.
  • Watermill: 1 per clan.
  • Windmill: 1 per clan.
  • Compost: 6 per clan.
  •   Please keep in mind that every ‘item’ added to the world will impact the health and performance of the server. When you’re done with a structure, clean it up.     If you blatantly defy the limitation rules – such as 10 wheels of pain or placing 20 fish traps, your items may be removed. We will always try to give you a warning on discord for limitation violations, but if we find a number of items in obvious excess of what is stated in the rules, those items will be removed without warning by the NUG Staff team at the clans expense.
      Building Requests:
    In order to build in certain locations, or to build something outside of your base, you will need to submit a building request form via our discord. This will be assessed by the NUG Staff and you will be notified about our decision once it has been made.  

    The following are examples of what would require a building request:

  • a bridge, elevator, or other structures to facilitate the ease of travel across a river, over a mountain, etc.
  • Bases built on or near waterfalls.
  • shops/markets, hotels, or other buildings not considered or intended to be used as a clan base.
  •   Harassing any of the NUG Staff will not get your building request looked at faster, nor will arguing with our decision.     Depending on what or where you are requesting to build, approvals may come with restrictions or other suggestions/locations may be offered instead.

      Clan Rules
    Clans play a big role in our server, it is for that reason that we have written the following rules to help ensure the fun and safety for everybody.   General Clan Rules:
  • All players must be in a clan, even if it is just a clan of one. You must be in a clan for admin support purposes. You can make your own -OR- join another.
  • Players who are found not in a clan will receive 3 warnings to make or join a clan, before the NUG Staff team will begin removing your items, structures and builds from the server at your expense, meaning you will receive no reimbursement.
  • Clans are allowed a maximin of 6 players.
  •   To create a clan you need to go into your inventory (the letter i key), click on the clan tab along the top menu bar on your screen. Enter your desired clan name in to the provided section and presto you're done!     To invite a player to your clan you have to walk up to the player you want to invite. You then press and hold the letter e key, and follow the prompts.     To leave a clan you need to go into your inventory (the letter i key), click on the clan tab along the top menu bar on your screen, and click on the leave clan button.
      Leaving Clan Rules:
    To leave a clan you need to go into your inventory (the letter i key), click on the clan tab along the top menu bar on your screen, and click on the leave clan button  
    If you leave a clan for another or to start your own, everything within that clan belongs to that clan, the only exemptions to this are your personal:
  • Stash
  • Weapons
  • Armour
  • 1x Personally tamed animal.
  • 1x Personally tamed horse.
  • 2x Personally tamed thralls.
  • If you choose to leave a clan you are NOT allowed to:
  • Steal items that belong to that clan or any other clan members.
  • Cause destruction, damage, or grief to the clans remaining items, structures, buildings or members.
  • Incite other members to leave with you as a final act of greed or defiance. If other members choose to leave the clan also, it must be of their own volition and for their own reasons.
  • Commit any hostile acts against the remaining clan members unless it is for the purposes of RP, and all parties involved have given active consent to participate. If the RP requires any aspect that falls under PvP, you must follow our PvP rules. You can find these by talking to Arasan along the Broken Highway Path, or by checking out our Discord.
  •   If there are a number of players wanting to leave a clan, it is best to try and negotiate the division of clan assets between all parties involved. If an agreement cannot be reached, all property beyond the above mentioned personal limits and allowances, must remain with the group that represents the original group majority. If this still can be achieved between you in a reasonable manner, you are to discuss the matter with the NUG Staff before your issues erupt into the rest of the server.
      Clan Alliances & Clan Disputes Rules:
    Alliances between clans is encouraged in order to build and strengthen the RP elements of the server. However, they are not to be used in an attempt to circumvent the clan rules, limits, and restrictions. Trying to utilizes clan alliances to surpass can rules, limits, and restrictions is considered powergaming and will not be tolerated.     Disputes between clans are to be for the purposes of RP only. If the RP requires any aspect that falls under PvP, you must follow our PvP rules. You can find these by talking to Arasan along the Broken Highway Path, or by checking out our Discord. If the dispute erupts out onto the rest of the server or to an OoC (out of character) capacity, the NUG Staff will need to be involved.
      Clan Recruitment:
    Clan recruitment posts are to be made in the #clan-recruitment channel on our Discord under the Conan section. You are also allowed to discuss your clan with new players to our server, both in-game or in voice channels.     However, you are not allowed to try and recruit members of other clans into your own. Clan poaching is considered to be a form of meta-gaming and will not be tolerated. The exception to this rule is if it is for RP reasons, an example of such an RP reason would be if a character is being asked to leave their current clan as part of a proposal of marriage. However, it is to be RP'ed properly and in a respectful manner. If the RP requires any aspect that falls under PvP, you must follow our PvP rules. You can find these by talking to Arasan along the Broken Highway Path, or by checking out our Discord. If the RP does escalate to any aspect considered as PvP, the situation will be monitored very closely by the NUG Staff.

      Behaviour, Inactivity & Exploitations
    The following rules and expectations regarding player behaviour have been written to ensure that our server remains fun and fair for everyone.   Player Behaviour Rules & Expectations:
  • We DO NOT tolerate in any shape or form:
  • Bullying, Offensive & or Abusive Behaviour, Discrimination of Any Kind, or Trolls/Keyboard Warriors! Make Sure you're kind & respectful to each other, we are all here for fun!
  • Calling out people in public channels (targeting and/or attacking) will not be tolerated. Please also check out our rules regarding meta-gaming, meta-comms, gatekeeping and powergaming they can be found on our discord and by talking to Fanley along the Broken Highway.
  • Advertising other servers is not allowed.
  • Try to keep discussion topics to their respective channels, both in-game and on our discord.
  • Be aware that the in-game global chat is posted to our discord and is available for all to see. So please keep private conversations out of global chat!
  • Do NOT contact members of the NUG Staff directly via direct/private message, especially in relation to any problems or issues, and never directly message us without active consent to do so. There is a 'Help Desk' and a 'Suggestions' area on our discord for you to use, this allows the first available staff member to assist you, thus allowing your problem or issue to be resolved as fast as possible.
  • Do NOT harass the NUG Staff team, unless it is an absolute emergency. Harassing us will not make or encourage us to get to your issues, problems, suggestions, or submissions etc. any faster, if anything we are more likely to put yours to the bottom of the list just for being inconsiderate and disrespectful.

      Player Inactivity:
  • We have a 14 day inactivity rule.
  • Players/clans who have not been active in the server for more than a 14 day period may have their bases removed without warning unless staff are notified via the #inactivity-notice channel on our discord (under the 'Conan Player Info' section) with a valid reason.
  • Activity is defined by meaningfully playing on the server if you are only logging in for 5 minutes in order to keep your base but not actually playing on the server for an extended period of time you will be considered inactive.

      Exploiting & Glitching:
    • All of the NUG Staff team on this server are volunteers. We spend so much time trying to ensure our player can have a fun and fair experience. We spend a lot of time trying to create interesting things for our players to do beyond the normal vanilla content. So when players actively try to give themselves an unfair advantage, we do not take this kindly or lightly.
  • Players/clans found cheating, glitching, using exploits or any other action to get around playing the game the way it is intend to be played, you will be banned.
  • If you are aware of someone who is cheating, glitching, using exploits etc., please let us know so we can deal with it.
  • When you cheat or you skirt the limits, or don't tell us about an error or bug, you are disrespecting the time, effort, and work we put into this server. We take these matters very seriously and offenders will be dealt with accordingly!


      Server Settings & Quality of Life
    On our server some of our server settings have been boosted to ensure game play is both fun and fair for everyone.   Settings:
  • x5.0 Experience and Harvest
  • Increased speed to tame thralls and pets.
  • No cooldown on teleport commands, (tpa, tpr, home, and warps).
  • Encumbrance and stamina slightly boosted.

      Quality of Life:
  • Your body doesn't remain in world when disconnected, and no drop on death.
  • There is server crafting area in town,
  • We have a Pippi economy with vendors and player markets,
  • Hubs quest zones,
  • A mage area for altars and vendors,
  • A portal room with map and dungeon warps!
