Connabar Tatum

Connabar can be found in the 2nd house along the Broken Highway. He is knowledgeable in Building Rules regarding Size, Item & Structure Limitations & Restrictions, and Building Requests.  

Required Quest [RQ]


Broken Highway Tour
You need to talk to Fanley before you can talk to Connabar.
  • 1 Medium Boots
  • +5 Encumbrance
  • An increase in your Broken Highway and River Biome Reputation.
    Talk to Kela in the 3rd house along the broken Highway.    

    Connabar Discusses:


    Building Rules

      We have written our building rules to ensure the quality and enjoyability of our server for everybody.
  • Remember bigger is not always better, especially when it comes to building. Less is more!
  • Please keep in mind that every ‘item’ added to the world will impact the health and performance of the server. When you’re done with a structure, clean it up.
  •   General Building Rules:

    Our General Building Rules for this server are:

  • Do not build in the Volcano, Unnamed city, or in any towns, hubs, or Thrall Camps, Boss Spawns, Obelisk, or Any Religious Teaching sites. Your buildings will be removed by the NUG Staff at your own expense, this means you will not be reimbursed for any items, gear, or resources lost.
  • Do not block any location in which major or limited spawns such as resources, animals, bosses, NPC/thralls, or passage ways, this includes waterfalls.
  • Never leave any non-permanent, such as taming pens, campfires and sleeping bags, scattered across the server. You must remove anything you have built across the world once you have a base.
  • Never spam building pieces such as foundations or pillars.
  • DO NOT stack foundations or use foundations to create walls. Stacking Foundations = Your base will be deleted without compensation.
  • Try to keep your building structures above 40 stability, otherwise you risk your base collapsing on restarts.
  • You are not allowed to build a Map Room at your base. There is one that can be used by all in the starting town.
  • You cannot interfere with any admin buildings. If you are found to be interfering with an admin building or player access to the admin buildings you may find yourself banned.
  • Builds must make RP sense. You cannot have a build that hovers in the air, teeters on the tip of a peak, or floats unless it makes RP sense. If you have a building that is hanging off a cliff and does not make RP sense, you will be contacted by a member of the NUG Staff with a warning to correct the build.
  • Clans are allowed one base location only.
  • Any items you place or build need to be within your base parameter. If you place or build items outside of your base parameters, you will receive a warning to move them before they are removed by the NUG Staff at your expense.

      Building Size Rules:
    All players/clans must abide by the following building size requirements to ensure server stability.  

    The Building Sizes are as follows:

  • You CAN NOT build your own town! There are already 10 towns across the map, along with a further 8 trading posts. Our server does not need or want any other towns to be added. If you build a town, it will get removed without compensation!
  • All base builds must be a reasonable size for the size and purpose of the clan.
  • Buildings should be designed with roleplay in mind.
  • Keep all buildings and structures within 4 foundations of each other. Anything outside of 4 foundations from one structure will be taken down.
  • If the NUG Staff feels your build is too big, expect a request to downsize it. If you do not comply with the request, the NUG Staff will remove your entire base for you free of charge.
  • Unfinished structures, vacant starter huts/camps and other land claiming items may be removed by the NUG Staff if no significant progress or effort is made to finish or expand them within a reasonable time frame.
  • Using scattered structures explicitly for the sake of blocking other players is considered powergaming and will not be tolerated.
  • Reserving land is not permitted unless you have direct permission from the NUG Staff team, which would require you having submitted a building request form that has been approved.
  • If a player wishes to construct a bridge, elevator, or other structures to facilitate ease of travel across a river, over a mountain, etc. it must be made publicly available for use and approved by the NUG Staff team.
  • Bases built on or near waterfalls are restricted and require a building request form that has been approved.
  • If your clan decides to merge with another clan, all base, structure and item restrictions still apply. This means your newly merged clan can only have one base. This means that one of you will have to give up your current base, or your merged clan will have to find a new location for your base. However this would require the removal of all original bases.
  • If your clan decides to move your base to another location, you must pick up, remove or destroy all builds, items and structures of the previously owned base.
  • Remember bigger is not always better, especially when it comes to building. Less is more!   Please keep in mind that every ‘item’ added to the world will impact the health and performance of the server. When you’re done with a structure, clean it up.   If you blatantly defy the building rules – such as stacking foundations or making your base larger than necessary, your base may be removed. We will always try to give you a warning on discord for building violations, but if we find a base that is obvious in excess of what is stated in the rules, those bases will be removed without warning by the NUG Staff team at the clans expense.
      Item & Structure Limitations & Restrictions:
    All players must be in a clan and must abide by the following structure and item limits and restrictions to ensure server stability.  

    Item and structure limitations are as follows:

  • Crafting Benches (Vanilla & Mod): 1 of each per clan.
  • Vanilla Furnaces: 4 per clan.
  • Mod Furnaces: 1 of each per clan.
  • Fluid Press: 2 per clan.
  • Drying Rack: 2 per clan.
  • Grinders: 2 per clan.
  • Shrines: 1 of each religion per clan.
  • Alters of Magic: 1 of each per clan.
  • Thrall Wheels: 1 only per clan.
  • Vanilla Animal Pen: 1 per clan
  • Mod Animal Pens: 1 of each pen per clan.
  • Taming Stables: 2 per clan.
  • Beehives: 2 per clan.
  • Fishing Traps: 4 in total per clan, this can be a mix of the different types.
  • Mines: 2 per clan.
  • Watermill: 1 per clan.
  • Windmill: 1 per clan.
  • Compost: 6 per clan.
  •   Please keep in mind that every ‘item’ added to the world will impact the health and performance of the server. When you’re done with a structure, clean it up.     If you blatantly defy the limitation rules – such as 10 wheels of pain or placing 20 fish traps, your items may be removed. We will always try to give you a warning on discord for limitation violations, but if we find a number of items in obvious excess of what is stated in the rules, those items will be removed without warning by the NUG Staff team at the clans expense.
      Building Requests:
    In order to build in certain locations, or to build something outside of your base, you will need to submit a building request form via our discord. This will be assessed by the NUG Staff and you will be notified about our decision once it has been made.  

    The following are examples of what would require a building request:

  • a bridge, elevator, or other structures to facilitate the ease of travel across a river, over a mountain, etc.
  • Bases built on or near waterfalls.
  • shops/markets, hotels, or other buildings not considered or intended to be used as a clan base.
  •   Harassing any of the NUG Staff will not get your building request looked at faster, nor will arguing with our decision.     Depending on what or where you are requesting to build, approvals may come with restrictions or other suggestions/locations may be offered instead.
      For further information regarding our server rules:
  • Guide to the NUGaming Conan Server: About and Rules
  • Relationships

    Connabar Tatum

    Boyfriend (Important)

    Towards Brunhilda Goodwood



    Brunhilda Goodwood

    Girlfriend (Important)

    Towards Connabar Tatum




    They started to date when Brunhilda moved to Port Haven.   However, Connabar still lives with his lover Fanley. Brunhilda is aware of this and is okay with it because she knows she works long hours and that what Connabar and Fanley share is very superficial. It's nothing like the relationship between her and Connabar.   Brunhilda also enjoys the company of Fanley, and will often take pleasure with her Boyfriend Connabar and his lover Fanley.

    Fanley Phillips


    Towards Connabar Tatum


    Connabar Tatum


    Towards Fanley Phillips


    Current Location
    Current Residence
    The 2nd house along the Broken Highway