
The enhanced humans who volunteered for ascension to be reborn within the diesel pits of Lumisterra

//WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO EMANUEL? HE JUST DROPPED OUT OF THE NETWORK MID-CONVERSATION   //Stop thinking in capital letters, first of all. Second of all, he's dead - moron decided to take his personal sun for a joyride over Throne lands, got his sun shot out from underneath him going Mach 2 or so, and well...there's probably pieces of him all over the continent by now.   //SHIT. HE WAS SUPPOSED TO DO RECON OVER IN SECTOR 5 TODAY   //Well, looks like you've just inherited his post, Hobson. Get off your ass, quit thinking into this network in capital letters, and go do that recon. I'll report this to Lord Tavross.   //No need. Get back to work, the both of you.
— Snippet extracted from a Diesel-Born's network implant by Agents of the VrĂ˝kus Throne

Base Racial Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: (+2 Charisma, +2 to any two scores): The Diesel-Born, gifted with extreme power after their transformation, can have bodies that run the gamut of physical and mental boosts but always possess extreme and fiery forces of personality.   Size: Diesel-Born are medium-sized creatures, and thus gain no benefits or penalties due to their size.   Type: Diesel-Born are creatures of the Humanoid type with the Human subtype.   Speed: Diesel-Born possess a base land speed of 30ft.   Vision: Diesel-Born can see through all mist, clouds, fog, and airborne visual obstructors as if they weren't there.   Languages: Diesel-Born begin play speaking Ironite and Modulo ONLY(See Languages of Numiastra for more info). Diesel-Born with high INT can select any languages as bonus languages due to their varied origins.   Chosen of the Diesel-God: Diesel-Born, blessed one and all by the light of Tavross, begin play with one domain from the following list:(Sun, Protection, Community, Repose, War, Artifice) - they gain the Domain Powers of that domain as if they were a cleric of their level, and gain the Bonus Spells of the chosen domain at the same levels as a cleric provided they have the prerequisite number of levels in a spellcasting class.   Personal Sun: Diesel-Born can gather, manipulate, and project light and heat to form a small ball of roiling light and fire as a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity to grant themselves an extraordinary fly speed of 120ft with perfect maneuverability. Creatures without fire immunity cannot ride with them on this ball of fire and light and gas, which can hold one large sized creature or two medium sized creatures(Not including the Diesel-Born). If the Diesel-Born is brought within 5ft of the ground or the ball is dealt at least 50 points of cold damage in 1 round, the ball evaporates and their fly speed ends as they fall to the ground. By concentrating for one minute, they can move at 100x their flight speed so long as they continue to move in a straight line. This ball sheds light like a lantern and occupies a 10x10 square while created.   Scorched Soul: Diesel-Born, reborn within the burning diesel pits of Lumisterra, possess bodies that resist the touch of fire better than any other - they gain immunity to all fire damage, gain +1 damage per die on all fire damage they deal, and can as an immediate action turn a damaging spell or effect used by themselves or an ally they can see within 30ft from its normal damage type into fire damage. If it was already fire damage, half of the damage becomes Godfire Damage.   Diesel-Blooded: Diesel-Born, thanks to the thick black diesel fuel that they were reborn in within the depths of Lumisterra, recall the horrid memory of drowning without death for weeks on end within the diesel pits - and by recalling this memory, are capable of holding their breaths indefinitely(Granting them immunity to all inhaled poisons and airborne effects in exchange for being unable to speak or use verbal components).   Steelboned: Diesel-Blooded, blessed with unnatural durability thanks to their newly reinforced metallic bones, gain DR 5/Adamantine and increase their death threshold by 10.   Volcano Nozzles: Combining the flintfingers of humanity with the roaring heat and sloshing diesel of their own anatomy, Diesel-Born can eject gouts of fire both large and small from their hands and fingers, though they become increasingly tired as they do so more and more throughout a given day as doing so requires burning the excess diesel that circulates in their bodies alongside their blood. This ability, when used in combat, allows them to project a heat beam similar to the Scorching Ray Spell(Only one ray) as an EX ability or release a massive gout of flame in a 15ft cone that deals 1d6 fire damage per HD they possess, with a Reflex Save based on their CON for half damage. The ray attack, once used, has a cooldown of 1d4 rounds. The cone attack deactivates this ability entirely for 1d4+1 hours.   Corrupted Scions: For reasons known only to The Iron Emperor himself, the Diesel-Born carry strange and highly advanced metallic implants deep within their bodies that churns and rumbles unendingly towards unknown purposes - this implant gives the Diesel-Born the ability to percieve radio waves and magical sensors as if they were visible and observable phenomena and grants them a +4 racial bonus on Diplomacy, Knowledge(History), and Use Magic Device - gaining two of which as class skills. These implants also allow Diesel-Born to seamlessly upload and exchange memories, information, and other observed and recorded data amongst each other in a unique network accessible only by others of their kind(And The Iron Emperor himself). This network cannot be wirelessly cracked by abilities such as the Dwarven Wavecrusher Uplink - only a direct connection via a living Diesel-Born can grant access to this network.   Consecrated Solar Flare: As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, a Diesel-Born can project white-hot solar plasma from their veins, consecrated in their own diesel-blood, and shape it into a ball that they release into any unoccupied 10x10 square within 30ft of them(Floating if airborne) that shines true daylight in a 120ft radius, and blesses all such land that it shines upon as being within the radius of a consecration spell. When this area is created, they can choose to attach one of the following effects onto it. This flare, while is remains active, is treated as having AC 10, Hardness 5, and 10HP per HD the user possesses - breaking the flare negates its effects and prevents this ability from being used for 1d4 rounds. The flare is immune to fire damage, and is healed by 1HP for every 3 points of fire damage dealt to it. Areas of magical/supernatural darkness created within the sphere are automatically dispelled unless the caster beats SR 11 + the Diesel-Born's HD. A Diesel-Born may only have one Consecrated Solar Flare activate at a time.
  • All hostile creatures within the area must beat SR 11 + The Diesel-Born's HD to cast or use a teleportation effect, losing the spell or effect on a failure.
  • All allied creatures within the area gain Fast Healing 5 and a +2 sacred bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, as well as AC(Cannot be used to heal creatures out of combat).
  • Upon the flare's formation, all hostile creatures within its radius must make a Fortitude Save or take 1d4 points of untyped damage per 2HD the Dieselborn Possesses(Taking half on success), and take 1d4 points of ungoing untyped damage on each of their turns they remain exposed to its light.

Basic Information


Diesel-Born anatomy is largely that of their Human ancestors, albeit enhanced - their bones are hardened to a durability similar to steel, their blood thickened and set alight like burning diesel fuel, and a handful of other irregularities. Beyond these, which are very tightly kept under wraps by Tavross, The Iron Emperor, Diesel-Born are practically identical to Humans.

Biological Traits

Largely as Human - though Diesel-Born can sometimes be identified by their eyes(Which tend to burn with fire and smoke), and by various points across their skin which are sometimes cracked and smoking like they are lit from within by a roaring flame.

Genetics and Reproduction

Notably, Diesel-Born do not reproduce at all - they are created from Human test subjects in the depths of the Iron Empire's capital of Lumisterra, a process which renders them all but completely sterile in the process.

Growth Rate & Stages

As Diesel-Born are created and not born, they have little in the way of growth rate - they continue growing from the point of their transformation albeit at a slower pace, as their enhanced biology takes longer to break down. Otherwise, their growth rate and stages are largely identical to Humans.   Once created, a Diesel Born's biology slows down and they tend to reach middle-age around age 125, become old around age 200, and reach venerable around age 250 whereupon they die not long thereafter.

Ecology and Habitats

As Human. Thanks to their more 'fiery' biology, they are slightly more suited to life in cold climes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As Human, though some diesel-born get odd cravings for fuel or metal on occasion that their bodies, while capable of processesing, do not favor as much as normal food.

Biological Cycle

As Human.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

As Human.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Diesel-Born are located exclusively within the boundaries of The Iron Empire, as the secrets to their creation are known only to Tavross, The Iron Emperor himself - any found outside of this radius have either been captured or have been sent far afield on missions.

Average Intelligence

As Humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aside from some unique biological mutations brought on by their evolution that allow them to see better in conditions of mist, fog, clouds, smog, and other airborne contaminants, Diesel-Born sensory abilities are largely identical to that of Humans.
Alternate Racial Trait List:   NOT YET BUILT.  
Racial Feat List:   NOT YET BUILT.  
Genetic Ancestor(s)
250? Years
Conservation Status
Diesel-Born are an incredibly rare species, as they are only found within the realms of The Iron Empire - however, this is mostly due to the fact that the methods for their creation are so trying and dangerous that less than 10% of Humans who apply for the process survive to become a Diesel-Born.
Average Height
5.24ft - 6.8ft (1.6 - 2.1 Meters)
Average Weight
110.23lbs - 198.4lbs (50 - 90kg)
Average Physique
As Humans.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
As Humans, though their eyes tend to be their most distinguishing feature - often lacking pupils and burning softly with orange embers and sometimes even smoking. Otherwise, their skin tends towards darker colorations(Stained by the transformation that turned them into Diesel-Born), and their hair tends to grow more rapidly and in brighter colors than those of Humans.


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