Boreal Expanse Geographic Location in Nune | World Anvil
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Boreal Expanse

The Boreal Expanse is a large frozen tundra in the north of Udora.The Expanse encompasses an area several hundred miles across, and holds a variety of environments including plains, hills, mountains and forests.  


Snow Elves

The primary intelligent inhabitants of the Boreal Expanse are the tribal and nomadic Snow Elves. Dozens of tribes wander the tundra, subsisting on hunted game and foraged plants and fruit.


Snow elves are known for their taming of the woolly mammoths in the plains for use as pack animals, as well as the indigenous Branta for use as mounts. Most snow elves worship Nirus, and cats, particularly snow leopards, are revered as good omens. The snow elves are very superstitious, especially with regard to the many ancient ruins covering the landscape of the Boreal Expanse. They fear what ancient curses or creatures lie inside, and believe that they are best left undisturbed.  


There are villages in the northern parts of the region of tribal dwarves. Not much is known about them as they are very secretive and reclusive, but their hunters have been seen riding the large and ferocious Grufflesnouts.


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