Nirus Character in Nune | World Anvil
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Nirus is the deity of the moon of the same name. Nirus is the goddess of twilight, shadows, and rest, as well as being the primary goddess of the hunt for many cultures around Nune.  


Nirus appears as a panther with brilliant glowing yellow eyes. She has a sleek black coat of fur, and two tails.  


Nirus is the primary deity of many Catfolk. She is also frequently prayed to in many cultures in order to grant safe and rejuvenating rests, and she is worshiped by many hunters to keep them safe and guide them to prey.   In the Boreal Expanse, the nomadic Snow Elves all follow Nirus as their primary deity.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Power Level: Lesser Deity
Domains (3.5e): Shadow, Protection, Moon, Travel


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