Perax Organization in Nune | World Anvil
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Perax is a mostly human empire on the east side of Udora. Their culture surrounds the worship of dragons and the dragon god Imperiax.  


Perax is a very old nation, dating back thousands of years. It began as just a small kingdom ruled by the Valenar near Mount Fotia. At some point in their history, their alliance with the dragons began. Some say they are the chosen of Imperiax, others say they actually have dragonblood running in their veins. Regardless of how, with the power of the dragons on their side, the Valenar quickly began subjugating neighboring cultures and kingdoms, growing their empire quickly to the north and south.
In recent years Perax attempted an invasion of the Indarran Empire but they were defeated.  


Perax is a monarchy, ruled by the Valenar family, headed by the Archon. The empire is divided into several districts which are overseen by local noble families, headed by magistrates.   The Valenar family are allied with a bloodline of dragons, who are completely loyal to the Valenar and have served them for thousands of years.  


The culture of Perax is very nationalistic and focused on unity and strength. The people of Perax pride themselves on their superior architecture and military, as well as the power of their nobles' dragons. They believe dragons to be the ultimate beings in Nune, and believe that Peraxians are the chosen people of the dragons.  


The peraxians worship Imperiax, the most powerful of the dragon deities. Imperiax is said to reside on the top of Mount Fotia, and the mountain is an important religious site.
Geopolitical, Empire

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