Indarran Empire Organization in Nune | World Anvil
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Indarran Empire

The Indarran Empire is a collection of 5 kingdoms, united together by Argus II in 12 A.C., when he conquered the kingdoms with the help of his friend and ally Turalion. The kingdoms are Vairea, Bredigo, Kuvaria, Axemor and Nephissan.



The Indarran Empire was founded in 12 A.C., after Argus II Indarra united the five kingdoms of Vairea, Bredigo, Kuvaria, Axemor, and Nephissan in the war of the Demonic Incursion. Argus II rallied the faltering armies of the kingdoms and led them to victory against the invading demonic forces, eventually sealing the portal in the heart of Infernum, and ending the conflict. With the demonic threat neutralized, and the kingdoms still recovering, Argus leveraged his new-found power and support to conquer the other four kingdoms and unite them into the Indarran Empire.

Peraxian Invasion

In the year 1235 A.C., an army of Peraxian's attacked the city of Dragon's Watch without warning, quickly overwhelming their defenses and taking the city. This attacked marked the beginning of the war which would last six years. The Peraxian army was nearly one hundred thousand strong, and was lead by the infamous Peraxian Dragon Priests, upon which they rode 5 mighty dragons. The army wasted no time in advancing on Indarran territory, after they took Dragon's Watch they marched onward to Lakeshore immediately, and the city fell quickly to their overwhelming force. Their conquest continued westward with little resistance up until they reached the city of Dyerwood.

As the Peraxian army advanced, Lord Antoine of House Harcourt was gathering his army at Dyerwood. Under Lord Antoine's command, the city managed to repel the ground assault of the Peraxians, however the dragons still proved to be unmatched. As the tides of battle began to turn and the dragons wreaked havoc on the Indarran army, a fleet of giant owls, rode by the best combat ready mages of the Gwyndilon Institute arrived, and thanks to the element of surprise and their powerful spells, forced the Peraxians into their first retreat of the invasion, as they did not want to risk losing on their dragons.

For the next 2 years, the war was at a stand still, with mostly minor skirmishes and espionage taking place, as the Peraxians worked at finding a way to break through the defensive line that had been established by the Indarrans. The superior arcane abilities of the Gwyndilon mages had proved to be a difficult obstacle for the Peraxians and their dragons to overcome. Their advantage finally came however, when one of their spies infiltrated the Indarran line, and in a suicidal act blew up the war room of the Indarrans with a divine fire storm spell, killing Emperor Perdiccas Indarra, Lord Antoine, and several other high-ranking members of the Indarran military.

With their most prominent leaders killed, the Indarran defense quickly collapsed, and the Peraxians finally took Dyerwood in swift fashion. The remaining Indarran forces fell back to Attlemount. Perdiccas had no heir, and the most prominent figures in the Indarran military were all slain, and so the armies of Indarra were in disarray.

It was then that Emperor Graves Renault saw an opportunity, and began to take charge of the situation. He had already proven his strength in battle and so had the support of the small garrison he commanded, and the people quickly rallied to his confident and charismatic personality.

When the Peraxians arrived outside Attlemount, Graves led the defense of the city. His tactical mind was brilliant, and it was as if he knew every move the Peraxians were going to take. He led a counter attack into their forces, and decimated much of their ground army, leading to their retreat. This victory solidified Graves' position as leader and while he was not yet officially crowned, many were already treating him as their new Emperor. This was the tipping point of the war, and from this point onward the Indarrans would fight back against the Peraxians, slowly but surely driving them from their lands.

As the war went on, Graves surrounded himself with an elite guard of knights called the Dragonscourge. They were men allegedly promoted from his original garrison, equipped with the best arms and armor the Empire had, they were a formidable force on the battlefield. It was at the battle to retake Dyerwood that the Dragonscourge, working together, were finally able to fell one of the Peraxians dragons. It is said that this was the moment Perax gave up on this war. From then on their army was in full retreat back across Indarra, limping their way back to their homeland.

With the invaders defeated, it wasn't long until Graves Renault returned to the capital and was crowned as the new Emperor, the first of non-Indarran blood to sit on the throne.      


The Empire is ruled by the Emperor, however much of the governing is overseen by the Lord's Council, a collection of noble leaders and powerful business people.

Lord's Council

The Lord's Council is a collection of noble leaders and guild heads in the Indarran Empire who oversee the running of Amberport as well as the Empire as a whole.
  • Emperor Graves Renault.
  • Reyhan Angelova.
  • Lord Antoine.
  • Bryant Lorraine.


Each kingdom in the Empire is ruled by a dominant noble house, and the lord or lady at the head of these houses is charged with governing these lands as they see fit, though they ultimately bow to and report to the Imperial throne.  


The culture of the Empire can vary by kingdom and even by local region.


The primary pantheon across the Indarran Empire is The Eight Divines. These were the gods worshiped by House Indarra and their worship spread across the five kingdoms quickly after the Empire was founded. Temples and shrines to one or more of the Eight can be found in nearly every settlement across the Empire. The worship of other deities is not banned outright, as many immigrants or visitors in the Empire will worship their own gods, and it is not uncommon for people to worship or pray to lesser gods on more specific occasions (such as Niulla, the Banshee Queen), however you would be hard pressed to find many organized churches or established shrine to any gods outside of the Eight.  

Holidays and Celebrations

The Empire's two primary holidays are the Summer and Winter's Crest. Each of these is celebrated on the longest and shortest days of the year respectively. The occasion is usually marked with a large celebration of community, with the leader of the community making some kind of speech to the people promoting good fortune, and then usually there are games, food and drink, as well as dancing and singing, and sometimes performances.
Founding Date
12 A.C.
Geopolitical, Empire
Head of State
Power Structure
Feudal state
Imperial Manes
Notable Members

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