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The combined continents of North and South Erwa existed as a singular continent until the third age, when the landmass was split in half with the formation of Gnóttvǫllr pass. Despite this sudden division, the inhabitants of the two sister continents view the inhabitants of the other as broadly twinned, with the affairs of one inevitably affecting the other.
Erwa has been inhabited since at least the second age, with remains and ruined settlements of the earliest known sapient species, bæga anytðitük, found in and arond the Daïdänt foothills. Dubbed the 'first people', this now-extinct species originated in Erwa, spread across Erwa, Ophoné, Iasteron and the southern reaches of Xohura before dying out in the late third age. The influence of this now extinct species remains in the body of knowledge they left and the continued use of the otherwise-dead language Huswat as the common tongue of academia and politics.
Included Organizations
Characters in Location
Related Tradition (Primary)

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