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A now-extinct sect of Qā-Jāre, Lēmūd focused on lesser gods and personal struggles, rather than veneration of major deities and the greater cosmological battle between good and evil.   The primary ritual of Lēmūd was the rite of Sāqte - a purification and protection ritual that releases the grip of malign spirits and breaks curses. In all other respects, Lēmūd resembled Qā-Jāre - it used the Tifrà as its holy book and the religious leaders, Kanâná, were appointed by the regional Exarch under the guidance of the Nakhtau Lomr.   The only remaining practitioner is the Exarch Amarashi, founder of the Āʾ Fanyetr monastary.


Being accepting of local divinities meant that Lēmūd was more successful in attracting converts and spread widely across Northern Iasteron, but this careful balance proved to be difficult to integrate with Qā-Jāre's proselytising, and made it near-impossible for priests to move about. As a result, the major branch of the religion began to re-interpret local deities as 'aspects' of the major gods and redirect faith towards approved channels.   In regions that were late to conversion or in uderserved areas, practitioners may still refer to deities by a dual name. For example: the O'ne people of Helia differentiate between Xora'r's domains of soil and rain by using the names of previous minor gods of these domains. Onyi-Xora'r and Xa-Xora'r are semi-separate entities, with distinct preferences regarding types of offering and different arcane correspondences.

Mythology & Lore

While Lēmūd recognises the existence of the major deities of Qā-Jāre, it considers them to be less important than the spirits governing day-to-day affairs, and adopts a more 'animistic' approach, including local deities and even ancestors in its worship.

5.344 - 5.614

Religious, Sect
Successor Organization
Parent Organization

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Cover image: by Vincent Pelletier


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