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Shavichehis apothecaries

Students, staff, and graduates of the Shavichehis Apothecaria are reknowned as healers of infinite patience, compassion, and discretion.   Hailing from Helia, on the Theolisian peninsula, first their remedies, then the healers themselves have travelled far and wide across Iasteron and Qevrun, diagnosing a treating the ailments of everyone from beggars and bandits of the Storm Coast, to the Their Holiness the Nakhtau Lomr, leader of the Qā-Jāre faith.


Shared customary codes and values

The oaths sworn by the Shavichehis apothecaries obligate them to treat anyone, regardless of who they are or how they came by their need, and to preseve the secrecy of thei patients. As their reputation grew, the Shavichehis apothecaria was obligated to make clear that this privacy related only to clients and only in matters of healthcare.   A Shavichehis apothecary will dutifully travel to remote, unstable, and even hostile regions to provide healthcare. They travel with the faith that their reputation for treating everyone will protect them - though they do not go unarmoured, nor unarmed.

Common Dress code

Graduates of the Apothecaria are entitled to wear a white thawb, with a coloured headdress that indicates their specialism.   Students wear a djellaba of undyed cotton or wool and no headdress. They are required to shave their head and facial hair in order to prevent contamination of their remedies.   Although baldness is a sign of the student, many practicing apothecaries continue the practice, either for hygiene reasons or as a sign that they are 'lifelong students' of their craft.
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Cover image: by Giammarco


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