The Duchy of Nyrheim


Nyrheim is one of ten duchies in the kingdom of Floren. It is on the northern coastline of the nation and is bordered by the duchies of Brynthal, Aurelein, and Vermandale.


Nyrheim is one of ten duchies in the kingdom of Floren. It is on the northern coastline of the nation and is bordered by the duchies of Brynthal, Aurelein, and Vermandale.


For all antiquity, the northwestern territories of the continent were ruled by elves who had migrated from the Isle of Fae. They lived in tribes that were governed by a council of elders, and an elected magistrate. Though most conflict was with dwarves, giants, and humans, there was scarce political unity between the tribes. At the dawn of the Common Era, the Old Antum Empire emerged from a collection of unified human tribes. The Empire tactfully exploited the fractured nature of elvish society on the mainland and swiftly conquered the continent. Using military force and assimilation tactics, they had near full control of Eryndel within three generations. But the Old Antum Empire eventually collapsed under the weight of its ambitions and the remaining human tribes established the Floren kingdom during the destabilization. Its territories underwent frequent re-divisions, resulting in rivalries that kept the region embroiled in conflict for years. Eventually, King Muric "the Small" managed to seize control. His descendants still rule the kingdom to this day.   Meanwhile, the north coasts fell prey to the vikings, seafaring dwarves who sacked coastal monasteries and ports in search of glory and gold. Soon they came every summer, spending winters in their homelands. To counter the raids, King Muric ceded the Cormorin Peninsula to the neighboring elven duchy of Brynthal in exchange for aid. Within fifty years, the raids shifted from a seasonal occurrence to a constant stream.   In late 717 CE, an ambitious viking named Rolf, led a fleet unlike any the north had ever seen. The dwarven longships barrelled into the heart of the country and made demands directly from the throne. When Rolf attempted to flee from the Floren cavalry, he was unable to board his ships and made a defensive wall by slaughtering his army's livestock. The enemy charge halted as their horses were terrified by the sight and smell of the corpses. Stuck in a stalemate, the Florens decided to negotiate with the dwarves. In exchange for peace, the Floren King Cyrian ceded the lands from Roann to the northern coast. Rolf was crowned as the duke and was given the name “Lionheart” for his bravery.   Rolf's grandson Duke Harek “the Admired” is the current ruler of the duchy. Despite a history of turmoil and private wars, Harek has been able to maintain favor with the Floren crown; he once sheltered Prince Hugo from the Queen when she favored her younger son to rule. When Hugo was crowned King of Floren, he solidified his alliance with Harek in the Floren Defensive Compact of 901. But scandal soon followed Harek as he later fathered an illegitimate child by an unknown lover. Waldron “the Bastard” remains his sole heir.

Demography and Population

There are roughly 300,000 people living in Nyrheim.  
Dwarves, About 40% of the population
Dwarves hold most positions of power in Nyrheim, granting a certain level of privilege to their kind in every social class. As a vassal state, they have adopted many elements of Floren culture. They embrace customs of nobility from the ranks and titles to the traditionally clean-shaven faces. Many grow up speaking Imperial Common as a first language.  
Humans, About 55% of the population
Human culture in Floren has been greatly influenced its position between Antum and the Northern Isles. Humans with heritage tracing back to the Old Empire share many traditions with the elves who once ruled these lands. Those from the Floren tribe migrated from regions much closer to the dwarven homelands.  
Elves, About 5% of the population
While not many elves live in Nyrheim, elvish culture in the neighboring duchy of Brynthal remains strong. They have three social classes: a warrior aristocracy, an intellectual class, and idle commoners. Their history of conflict with the dwarves is not forgotten, but it has been forgiven by both groups.  
Other, Less than 1% of the population
The half-bloods in the duchy are more or less treated no differently from full-blooded humans. As a coastal community, Nyrheim is a cultural crossroads and major hub of trade. This has afforded half-bloods many ambassadorial positions, either in government or in private enterprises. A handful of other sapiens may be found in Nyrheim, mostly from northern regions. They may be viewed as "exotic" but are not entirely unheard of, even to most commonfolk. These include fairies, leprechauns, firbolg, jotun, etc.
Founding Date
Auburnfall 16th, 717 CE
Geopolitical, Duchy
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species

  • 2379 CE

    The Viking Raids begin
    Military action

    Dwarves of the north begin a campaign of large-scale raiding, colonising, conquest, and trading in northern Elyndel.

    Additional timelines
  • 2754 CE

    16 /9

    The Duchy of Nyrheim is founded

    The viking leader Rolf "Lionheart" lays seige to the capital of Floren and negotiates a deal with the crown to found a dwarven duchy on the northern coast.

    Additional timelines
  • 2772 CE

    The Duchy of Nyrheim expands its territory
    Political event
  • 2799 CE

    The Duchy of Nyrheim expands its territory again
    Political event
  • 3081 CE

    Harek "the Magnificent" is crowned as Duke of Nyrheim
    Political event
    Additional timelines


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