Alńa Szuk (alɲa ʂuk)

The hut of an alńy (alńa szuk in local language) is their home. Most common people usually avoid it out of fear unless they need the mage's services. These usually consist of healing, either magical or physical, and buying powerful extracts and potions, like the one enabling magic field sensitiveness trance.   Its collocation depends on the locals' attitude towards mages.

Homeless and Isolated

Not every alńy has a home. In many villages and regions in the Dark Lands, mages wander from place to place as nomads, living with the little hospitality they get for their services.   Sometimes in their wanderings, they choose a place, usually isolated in the woods, midway between a couple of villages, and build a home there for themselves. Here they can live in peace and isolation, with the occasional person coming in looking for their magical tricks. The house is often called "szwada twob", which means "the place of the witch". Twob is a derogatory word to indicate a mage.   Others stay on the run until the day they die. Almost all of these are blood mages or puppeteers. The former cannot stay in the same place for extended periods since people, including other alńe, would kill them as soon as they figure out the source of their power. The latter usually enjoy their vagabond life and have a cart they can use as a mobile home.

Sheltered and Respected

In some regions and villages, especially in the Zatjal area, ordinary people respect the alńe. They are still scared, but at least consider their presence a benefit. In these places, mages build their houses close to the village (but still outside of it to be far from the local cats). In the Zatjal dialect of the Rojgraszian language, the alńa hut is referred to as "drimir algim", which means "the house of the healer".
Alternative Names
Drimir algim (house of the healer)
Kokreba mum (puppeteer cart)
Twob szwad (place of the witch)
Parent Location

Cover image: Cabin by FreePhotos


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