First Arkadhians

The First Arkadhian Empire was a political organization said to have been a hegemonic power on Nys during the First Era; it fell against the Abyssal hordes at the beginning of the Second Era. The Arkadhian New Empire consider itself the heir of the first Arkadhians. Though shrouded in legends, its existence is now undeniably proven by the numerous ruins scattered throughout Nys.  


Average technological level

The next leap in technology will be the rediscovering of energy circuitation: the encircuits would allow us to completely automise many magical processes and maybe revolutionise our very way of living: one of the first proposed applications is the implementation of an automatic street-light circuit. [...]   But how do we know all of this is going to be possible? It seem far-fetched at best, it sounds like science fiction at worst. While we have no idea how encircuits work, we have recently found luminescent orb from the First Era that is making "unmistakable use of encircuits", in the words of the head researcher of the Arkadhian Institute of Technology Ota Išpasi: "This a groundbreaking discovery: the orb still emits a faint light, two eras after its creation! Not only had the First Arkadhians uncovered the mysteries of the encircuitation, they had also perfected it at such a degree of optimisation that we can still study their magic going."   Scholars now suggest it was this knowledge that let the First Arkadhians rule over the whole world. And our glorious Empire has now unearthed they secret; or at least part of it. A team of the finest magitechnicians has already been created and is already at work on the hardest project yet: they are to study the object and understand how it works, without disassembling it or otherwise irreversibly destroy it. All our people cherish their delicate attempt to deliver us the glory of our past ancestors. Towards renewed glory!
— New Glory from the Past, Loši Sekjasič

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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