Reawakened Confederation

The Reawakened Confederation is the union of all cities in the Frozen Lands, where the Undead People live.   Each city is independently ruled. At first, the sole role of the Confederation was unifying their colonial efforts in the Frozen Lands (and beyond). After the war against the Doujatar Kingdom, the Moon Church's Second Lunade, the Confederation was also in charge of foreign relations and army management.   Formally, Canopus is the head of the Confederation, but he leaves all the decisions to the Council. His role in the organization is about the same the Moon Goddess holds for her Church.   Representatives from the cities (one each) form the Council. They meet at least once a month to deliberate about any current situation requiring their attention.  


The Confederation always existed. It formed naturally when the Reawakened found their second city around the beginning of the third century. They peacefully managed the foundation of the new colonies, organizing exploration parties and colonial expeditions.   It started handling foreign diplomatic relations with the Second Lunade. Due to the Frozen Lands geographic position, the only neighbour is the Doujatar Kingdom to the South.   During the eighteenth century Abyssal Crisis demons heavily targeted the Confederation, requiring a unified military effort, with huge help from the Cosmos Wayfarers, long time allies of the Reawakened.  


In the Reawakened culture, the word territory has no meaning. The land is everyone's right. In fact, they never forbade access to their cities, not even to Doujatar people during the war. The only limitations apply to armies.   They defined an "owned territory" after the Second Lunade only to ensure the Doujatar Kingdom would not reclaim more land for itself.   Formally, the Confederation holds the lands from the ocean in the west and north to the Rojgrasz in the east and Doujate in the south.  
Political, Confederation
Alternative Names
Undead Cities (derogatory)
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti
Character flag image: Book by Farbklexhexe


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