Cosmos Wayfarers

Cosmos Wayfarers, Dehu Vakrahufi in the New Empire language, are mysterious powerful individuals who travel between kanvæ protecting them from the Abyss. Their headquarters are the Crossroads, a particular plane of existence between Nys and the other worlds.   They also offered protection to Nysian countries in exchange of ancient artefacts and free movement across the lands through the (in)famous New World Treaty.   Disagreement grew among them about the necessity of sabotaging the upcoming imperial magitechnological breakthrough, to the point that they called their second plenary assembly. It only happened before during the abyssal crisis in the nineteenth century.  


Cosmos Wayfarers do not have an organised hierarchy. They are peer individuals with the common goal of defending the kanvæ from the Abyss. They complete missions alone and rarely travel together for too long. This lonely habit mostly arises from the fact that a single wayfarer can usually efficiently and quickly complete any mission unless a major threat is involved.   Protecting people is their life purpose; people's trust, gratitude and fame the only rewards. The most powerful among them gain newcomers admiration and more critical tasks to handle but there are no official ranks among them.   The only one in charge is their leader and founder, Bheratal, the innkeeper. They decide how the Cosmos Wayfarers should present themselves in the political landscape and handle diplomatic relationships with Nysian countries. They cannot force any wayfarers to act in a certain way or do a particular task, but they can ban someone from the Crossroads, forbidding entrance to the inn. For a wayfarer, this means the end of its career. However, a ban has never happened.


Wayfarers' leader, Bheratal built the Crossroads during the second era, they claim, but the first adventurers reached the tavern somewhere around the third century. Given their loose structure, it's almost impossible to exactly date their birth, so they use the conventional date of the year 250.   During the eighteenth century, a dreadful abyssal crisis happened, with hundreds of demonic portals spawning all over Nys. At first, nations tried to fight alone, but it became immediately apparent they didn't stand a chance. Wayfarers decided to offer them help, for the first time in history. Every country, except the Empire, accepted and together they succeeded in averting the worst, slowly defeating abyssal hordes. It seems the Empire faced the crisis alone.   After these events, Wayfarers proposed the sign of a document, to manage relationships between themselves and Nysian countries, the New World Treaty. With this document, Wayfarers offered help against the Abyss in exchange for free movement across the lands and the right of reclaiming any ancient artefact discovered within those territories. They also pledged to not interfere with domestic affairs. Everyone signed, except the Empire, fearing Wayfarers would steal old Empire's artefacts from them.


Most wayfarers follow a non-interference principle with nysian countries, as required by the New World Treaty. They do not want to meddle with any kanva domestic affairs unless to fight off an abyssal menace.   However, some of them believe Wayfarers role is not only to defend kanvæ from the Abyss, but also maintain the present power balance, in particular between Silijas, the Moon Church and the Arkadhian New Empire. They appeal to the fact that the Empire did not sign the treaty, thus not being protected by its non-interference clause.   This belief is particularly relevant now since the success of Tikhuphri Project would determine a large increase in imperial raw firepower, which would ultimately doom the Doujatar Kingdom in a few decades at most.   Their leader Bheratal support the non-interfering principle but decided to call for a plenary meeting of all wayfarers to assess together the situation and understand whether a common agreement can be found. They scheduled the gathering for the 1st April, the second day of the coming year 2097.

Diplomacy Web

Wayfarers' crest, representing the main gate of a kanva and a wayfarer ready to enter it.
Founding Date
250 (conventionally)
Guild, Professional
Training Level
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Plots

Cover image: by Sarah Richter


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