Snwyfr (snuivr)

Snwyfr is a language only Damparo speaks, apparently. He claims the spirits spoke it during the Second Era.  


Scholars are divided about it and have yet to reach a consensus.   Some believe he tells the truth. Their argument usually goes as "Why should the Champion of the Moon lie to us?". A small fraction of them claims Snwyfr may even be a language from the old forgotten first era. That would make it a possible candidate for the official language of the Empire of the First Arkadhe. However, the Cosmos Wayfarers claim to know the ancient arkadhian language, and it sounds nothing like Snwyfr.   Doubters try to point out Damparo exhibits petty behaviour sometimes, citing as an example the fact that he seems to purposely disrupt any Moon Church ceremonial to make fun of the organization, well knowing they are attached to formalities. Unfortunately for them, they can't really make their point through explicitly since it would mean accusing him of behaving childishly and the Church would not like it. Some of them went as far as saying "Snwyfrish" is a bit underwhelming as a name for an ancient language spoken by god-like creatures.   A more moderate party claims he is, at least, partially hiding or modifying the truth. Their main argument is that there seem to be no other instances of this language as if it never existed. There are no books, no inscriptions, not even a single line anywhere in the known world. If it really was spoken at the end of the second era, it would have left some trace. The absence of even a small text from the beginning of the third era seems suspicious to doubters.   Most linguistics agree that it is not the language spoken in the elven Sichine Nilne during the second era. Scholars conducted extensive research to conclude this, comparing it with modern elven texts and the oldest text they could find.  

Damparo's Position

As for several other topics, Damparo does not want to elaborate more than he has already done. Believers point out he said what he knew about the language, that it was the spirits' way to express themselves during the first era. Why should he elaborate more since they're already not believing him?   To complicate the situation, Damparo has recently begun to speak only Snwyfr in public. Nobody understands it, so nobody can tell whether he is building meaningful sentences or just saying random words. Someone suggests he uses it to communicate to invisible spirits, others to think aloud without being understood. This behaviour is fuelling doubters position, especially when considered in the light of the currently tense relations between the Church and its champion.   Rumour has it, he still speaks modern languages when recieving guests at his place, the Garden of Memories.  

The Church's Position

The Church's official position is that its champion is speaking the truth about the nature of the language. However, it is a common rumour that they're begging him to stop his nonsense and resume speaking Doujatar again.   The high clergy is mostly concerned about Damparo speaking an incomprehensible language during ceremonies since it would force them to change the protocols (again) so that he does not have to talk at all.  
Do you see why I say they will lose their wars? Their beloved champion may have gone mad, which would be totally possible after two millennia dealing with them, he began talking to myself in a language they think he made up himself, which, by the way, I didn't, and what do they do? They worry about their formal speeches.
— Damparo, talking about Snwyfr

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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